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Just keeping everyone informed about our kickstarter launch and the delay for it.

This isn't 100% confirmed yet, but we should see another preview of the trailer tomorrow. With a possible chance the trailer could be fully finished this week by Friday (August 14th).

Based on this information, if we have the final trailer and everything is ready to go by Friday (August 14th). We will make a post about the 100% confirmed launch date on that very day and if this happens, we'll set the launch date for (August 21st) exactly 1 week later.

We'll do this to give everyone 1 week notice ahead of time in order to prepare to set money aside. That is if you're interested in supporting us on kickstarter.

Mainly our funding from kickstarter is mainly going to help us cover the major costs for the cg art and possibly bring on another cg artist to help with the workload if we must, while keeping the styles consistent between each other so that it doesn't look odd.

We know our cg art has been slacking for expectations and what we'd be happy with seeing each month in order to stay ahead, so that cg art isn't so far behind that we'll have writing and everything else finished before they're done, etc.


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