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I feel it's only fitting to keep everyone updated as it's been a bit of a wait since our post that mentions our delay on the kickstarter launch.

So as of it post it's officially the 6th and the video trailer isn't quite ready yet, as of right now we're going to keep doing a weekly update post like this one to keep everyone informed and give a heads up before we launch, allowing everyone interested to have some proper time to put some money aside still, etc. But only if you're interested of course.

So right now we are delaying the launch until August 14th now as a placeholder launch date, of course we'll push this back exactly 1 week to August 21st if it feels like the video won't be ready in time for the 14th, etc. I know it might seem silly to delay the kickstarter launch over a video trailer, but honestly it's a bit nerve wrecking as we're not quite sure how things can pan out and we'd really like to give it our best shot alongside other vn project's seen on kickstarter that are successful.

We have our very first early draft of the video, clearly not anywhere near finished or polished up with final effects or the exact layout for how the video will flow. I'm working behind the scenes with out video editor to help explain what exactly I'm looking for for video direction for the video, effects to be seen and how placement of things should be laid out, etc.

I'm hoping to possibly have a more updated video to share with everyone this weekend possibly, as our video editor has a day job too and makes use of their weekend to work on things. Sorry for the delay everyone, but enjoy the early behind the scenes look at things!


Messy Academy V1



Small update: Looks like the video has been removed, will keep the post still for details.