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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

With how day 19 ends, there's a time skip of 6 weeks. This is seen with all routes, but handled a bit different for them as well.

First thing, Heather and Juliet are paired up together in a post instead of separated, because their part 1 is very heavily intertwined together. Aside from how things begin and end between the two girls.

Heather's relationship has been progressing fairly good, thanks to her past relationships and her kinky dominatrix side being seen.

Juliet's relationship has been a bit more slower on progress, as she doesn't want to rush things.

The girl's share a common theme that is seen, as they're trying to bond with one another as sisters. Learning how to hang out together outside of school related duties, share their personal interests with one another and see if they can try sparking the missing bond between the two sisters.

That's what we'll see for their part 1 being tackled, is how they're going to find common ground and what they can do to improve their relationship.


~Writer notes~

-This route came out to be roughly 4500 word count each, give or take. Putting them in the Miki and Nova bracket for the 4300-4600 word range. While Erika and Rachel's part 1 are on the longer side around 5300-5700 word count range.

-Fans of Heather or Juliet, possibly both even. Might not feel the need to dive into the counterpart's route with how intertwined their part 1 is. But it will give a little insight on either side you choose to go with. Either way, it's a pretty cute route part between the two sisters.

-One thing that was worrying when putting the routes together, is that for Heather and Juliet. I knew the storyline for these two to be told is going to be pretty heavily linked together and while there is moments or parts that aren't so intertwined. They're going to be pretty similar, while still offering some filling in the blanks for those who really want the whole story from their sister relationship going on. (My worry is many will see Heather/Juliet as a combined route, so that it feels like there's only 5 real routes. But this isn't my intention, it's simply their strong ties with one another and the focus of their routes that play into this.)

-I think by default, Heather's part 1 will offer a bit more of a sexual moment seen for Brandon, while Juliet won't be quite so extreme. Looking forward to see how you all will enjoy these sexual moments seen, as things will be heating up more than what we're used to in days 1-19.


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