Hard to find recent game update releases? Poll (Patreon)
This might be an odd poll and one that's not really too fun to engage with, but I'm curious as I've noticed at times supporters leaving and mentioning either they didn't receive rewards, or didn't like the benefits with their support tier either because of not receiving rewards or another reason? I have seen some leave due to "lack of content", which can be it's own thing to tackle, as it could be "not enough new days added" vs "I thought there was going to be a lot of sex stuff?" etc.
Mainly this poll is just to help take in feedback from our supporters and previous supporters who are still following us. We're trying to keep information as simple and easy to find as we personally can within what we're given by patreon to use.
We'd just like to make sure if there's certain things that are or aren't working, we can look into making it easier for everyone.
(some mentions below to note.)
-We can pin exactly one post at the top of our news feed, normally this is our monthly Q&A poll post for a given month. But I wonder if maybe having our normal, let's say update 0.11 release post pinned there instead or any future update release posts. Would this help and be better for the masses? (this means the Q&A poll would instead get lost in our feed)
-We try to have all our links to release posts, public and patreon only on our "About Messy Academy" section of the page. But I'm wondering how many know about this or if it slips under their noses? Etc.
-Towards the end of a given month, I try to post a few new posts that give a heads up warning to everyone that new game releases are coming out and on which date, etc. I'm wondering if this helps anyone greatly to be reminded or if we should also remind newcomers the following month "Hey just by the way, check out "Link" to download the recently released game download for your reward." etc.