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In case you haven't kept up with the previous news posts, check out #2 here. (links to #1 are in #2's post)

Quick recap on engine adjusting progress. Yesterday was my first day working on the engine adjusting files in old sections, fixing dialogue/text, replacing old images with new ones, getting file size for the game lower for the future proofing overall.

The good news is I did days 1-2 and so far the file size went from 1.13GB down to 769MB! (keep in mind I completely removed a lot of Miki and Erika, Nova and Juliet expressions so far and added their new compressed base 20-24 expressions. But the engine in a sense now is missing those very images I removed for those character for days 3-15. ) So when filling up and removing more stuff, the file size might shift around a bit. But it should be getting lower and lower as we continue!

Today will mark my 2nd work day on engine, aiming to get days 3-4 done. With each work day focusing on adjusting 2 in game days.

(Other news)

Rachel's new design is nearing it's end in terms of being done. She only needs a casual outfit, new pair of underwear and maid outfit before being wrapped up. Then Heather's design reworking is next up, again for Heather it's mainly changing the pose and keeping her 90-95% how she is visually.

Cg scene news, I have 4 new cg scenes in queue right now for May. (5 if you count the Miki one that is finished). It will be a good test to see what our cg artist is able to supply vs demand, but I have good faith in them! So take that news as a maybe, but update 0.11 could have possibly 5 new cg scenes!

Bg art has 3 planned that are finished carried over from April, during the time our bg artist had computer issues. I have had a update recently that their computer is back to normal once again and I have requested 2 new bg's for May to test if that will be good for now or if adding a 3rd request would be possible in time for update 0.11. The two new bg's requested are classroom (day, sunset, night) and rooftop (day, sunset, night).

(kickstarter news)

I have some physical product being sent to me mainly the character standees, but next up is a poster (possibly offered as digital and physical). Body pillow art is in the works for their designs, will be done by our cg artist or a collab. But think of how the sprites look visually, just laid out in a visually appealing way for body pillows. (one side being clothed, showing their diapers. Other side being nude.)

(Wrapping up)

While progress is coming along on many different fields for the project for update 0.11, kickstarter and what not. It'll still be quite a busy month and of course the days will fly by quickly! >.<

One thing to mention as we head towards June, I personally will be allowed to return to my regular job again starting June 1st. They'll be allowing us to work under new conditions with the virus stuff going on, while I have been able to keep a good flow of new content every month for 6+ months now, most of which was while still working my job. I do wish to remind everyone that I will try my best to keep supplying at least 3 new days of content on average.

That can also include new sprite additions, 2-3+ bg's per month and recently if all goes well 3-4+ cg scenes per month! For those who don't know me too personal yet, I like to be as honest and open with everyone possible when it comes to where money is being spent and what are you getting in return for said money, etc.

I'm sure there's been some in the past who think that even with the content we offer per month currently is too little, while some might argue it's plenty if not more than a stable amount that is consistent per month.

Depending on how things progress in June and July, I don't wish to cause alarm as we are still looking to keep everything going strong with the project. But if my life balance between job work, project work completely begin to burn me out where I have no time for anything personal. (which is how it feels on some weeks) There is a chance that I might have to lower the expected 3 new days of content to 2 new days, not that I wish for that.

But I do need some balance of relax, personal time and I can admit without a job to clock into weekly in the past 2 months during the news in the world. It has been okay for now, but even before that. The process for me when I was working my 40-50 hour shift was Mon-Fri for 8-10 hours given the day and schedule. Come home and put 2-3 hours into the project and try to give myself 2-3 hours for personal time for relax, hobbies, etc. (sometimes less personal time)

The point isn't to make anyone feel sorry for me or try and make excuses.. <.< But what I'm trying to really hammer across is that if my life balance vs job work vs project work is too much during June/July. Do expect the normal 3 new days of content to drop to 2 new days instead per month/update. But the main idea is that if that does happen, we're not up and stopping. It's just striking a reasonable balance and I hate to say it, but if you do feel that 2 new days, plus the art added per update won't be worth the $5-10+ for a given month.

By all means we would hate to see less support at times, but I understand and get it, plus considering everything right now. I would suggest if it feels like our updates aren't big enough for the money spent, do take a break for a month or so and come back later. (I mean that in the nicest way possible, no hate at all <3 )

To sum everything up, regardless of what does happen as we push into the summer. We will continue to update every month for the game and keep it consistent. (aka you won't see us go from offering 3 new days of content in June to only offering 1 new day added in July, that isn't very consistent to me. Seeing 2 new days in June, 2 in July, 2 in August, etc. That is a more consistent flow that's being delivered.)

(ending note)

All in all, stay safe everyone and sorry for the lengthy posts as always >.< still much exciting news and new things happening with the game project every month. Thanks to everyone who is doing their part to support money wise, talking about the project within communities, offering help with bug/issues, offering fixes, chatting with me, etc. <3 All is very much appreciated. ^^   


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