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Early preview of the writing for section 1. (Spoilers!)

This section focuses on Rachel.

It begins with Brandon roaming around during the 2nd day of the festival. He makes notice of Rosa dressed up as a cat maid girl, posing out front of a booth and chats with her. He learns that she's helping Rachel and that later the kickboxing club is helping the swim club. It isn't long after that Rachel takes notice of Brandon, rushing over excited that he stopped by and offered him to come check the cafe out.

He follows her to a table surrounded by animal plushies, as she's dressed up as a dog maid girl. Taking down his order and having fun doing so, she heads off to get his order filled and on the way, she trips. Brandon rushes over to help her, noticing her diaper is exposed and some choices pop up. One being a unlocked choice based around affection.

After helping her, she gets the order and comes back. He tries what he ordered and finds it was super good, as if it came to any surprise, knowing her cooking skills are pretty great. After trying stuff for a bit, Juliet shows up to check up on how the cafe turned out and she manages to get just a little time to try out some treats.

The section ends soon after as Heather came through to find Juliet, pulling her along on the patrols again.

-Writer notes-

-This section was roughly 1700 word count, which isn't too bad.

-While the section doesn't do a bunch of crazy unlocks or choices like the previous days, it should still be seen as a great section for Rachel.

-I think the next two sections are going to be more engaging, not by choice. But just given the events and how things could play out with them. Not to make it seem like Rachel's sections are bad, as I really like her character and I feel as if her own fitting sections in the future will grow to become great as other character's screen time.


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