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The monthly Q&A and voting poll. These are open to the public, but supporters votes by default count as double and when answering questions they'll be given more priority.

Q&A is simply just as it sounds! Leave any questions about the game, be it tech support, story, character, etc. Whatever feels fitting for questions to ask about the game and project. (These questions can be directed in a roleplaying style towards select characters, watch as they personally reply back to you about your question relation to them! :o In order to direct a question to a character in a roleplay sense. Simply copy the below, fill it out and paste it, wait for your response! ^^)

---Character Question---
@insert character name (Example: @Miki )
Question: How tall are you Miki?

---Character Response---
Miki: Heeey!! What's with that question?! .... Okay, only because you're really fun to be around! -giggles- I'm 5'2"!

The voting part of this post for May's topic is to vote on which characters you personally want to see their 1st part of their route in June's update. (update 0.12) With how content will be handled, it'll split what amount of 1st part of routes we can get done in June. So we would like to collect a database overall on which 3 characters that have routes are the most popularly wanted to be seen first in June, Then in July with how content will be handled, it'll allow for the other 6 girls to have their content in this regards done for the following update.

By all means vote on more than one girl, the top 3 most voted on will be who we decide to focus on first.


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