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Early preview of the writing for section 3. (Spoilers!)

This section focuses on Bridget.

This section begins with Brandon relaxing a little away from the festival grounds, as Bridget joins him. She chats with him, asking if he's enjoying the festival so far and after a bit of dialogue. There's unlocks, following more unlocks. Without spoiling those, she takes notice of how long she's been away from her gaming booth.

She asks if he'd like to join in their gaming tournament that's about to begin, teasing him into accepting. He follows her and joins in it, a mini game of choices pop up and depending on your skills. You'll earn bonus affection and possibly some prizes to be used later? :P

After the tournament come to an end, the festival is nearly wrapping up for the first day. Bridget asks if you could walk her back to her room and there's a unlock here as well. Then shortly before the section ends, there's a unlock based on how good you did in the tournament.

(sorry for the vagueness, section has a lot of unlocked stuff based around Bridget. This should be her big unlock section in a sense.)

-Writer notes-

-This section came out to around 2500 word count, which shocked me a bit considering the unlocks and tournament part.

-For fans of Bridget, this should be seen as your big unlock moment for her. Think of how day 12 has some big moments for unlocking stuff and what those events entailed. :P

-I originally wanted the tournament scene to be much bigger and longer, but it was starting to feel as if it would play on being too random on choices and might be a bit too punishing. (it'll make more sense once seen)

-Bridget has some loose tied ends that was introduced and lightly mentioned or brought up at times so far. But this section will explain a lot of those and wrap up things in a sense. Her story line for her route will begin to be hinted at, hopefully many of you will find it a interesting story to tackle for her character. This story for her has been planned since the start and I feel it can really make up for some of the lacking (my opinion personally) in her character, as things will begin to make sense.


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