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Early preview of the writing for section 1. (Spoilers!)

This section focuses on Lola and Zoey.

The section begins the day of the festival, shortly after meeting with his friends and they head off on their own. Brandon is surprised by Zoey, who seems to be wearing quite a interesting bunny related outfit. It turns out she's helping Lola out and in return she'll get rewards from her. We find out that she's using Zoey as a model to help bring in customers for her cosplay booth to make sales.

She mentions that she'll share her photos she took during the weekend if you don't help her out. Which in turn has Brandon trying to help pull in a crowd of possible shoppers, as he has to make choices to help show off how good Lola's outfits are by using Zoey. A bonus amount of affection is given to either Zoey or Lola based on how well you do.

Afterwards, Heather and Juliet come through, as they wonder what's going on and learn that Lola is breaking academy rules for profits of her own. Heather is pissed and trying to find where she ran off to, as Juliet is trying to understand the situation better. It isn't until Zoey points through a gap in the crowd, showing where Lola is trying to sneak through.

Heather gives chase after her and the section quickly ends with the two helping Juliet shut down Lola's booth.

-Writers notes-

-This section came out to around 2700 word count.

-I knew before writing this section that I really wanted to have some good fun with the festival days, so I went through a few versions of the choices in this section to really see the choices felt fun and fitting. I can't say for sure if it's the most exciting little event out of the festival days, but I do hope you all enjoy it still.

-I knew that I wanted to see Lola and Zoey together once again, but only if it makes sense. I mean there is a reason why Lola showed up a while back to deliver a pair of new panties to Zoey custom made for her. This section should kind of give some insight, as to where or how things lead here with Lola getting her to help out.



The next update sounds like a lot of fun :)


^^ Glad you think so! It for sure will set a new standard for how things progress further for making sections feel a bit more engaging and fun while not trying to force stuff in to hurt the story events either. I like to think of week 1 more or less as a intro into the game, being quite simple and easy to follow without introducing a lot of extra stuff to deal with. As things progress through week 2 it begins to lead players through with showing split path choices and offer unlocked content/dialogue, etc. As the later days of week 2 into weekend 2 push towards trying to really make things get a bit harder as choices start to affect things between other girls too. ^^ Without spoiling anything, more of a game design detail. This update will give a good insight as to some new stuff to expect as the game moves further into week 3 and what things could look as it leads towards the girlfriend routes. <3