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I'd like to share with everyone our second preview that tackles the changes being done to certain main characters. (Erika, Nova, Rachel & Heather)

This being focused on Nova of course ^^ So on the left side we have how she looks currently and on the right side is our new concept design for her.

The idea behind the changes to the right is a couple things, I felt like there was something not quite right with how her current look was going for her. It was hard to say if it was purely her hair color/style, the face shape or skin tone being too dark. I requested that for her changes that she would get a new hairstyle/color that would try to be a bit between for those who like her current hairstyle and kind of be similar to how her older hairstyle used to be before she got purple hair along time ago. Her eye color did change very slightly, it's so subtle but it's a bit lighter than before. Her face shape did change, again very subtle and almost makes you wonder if there was a change to it, which there was. It was just a minor adjustment to her jawline to be less round.

Lastly the major in your face change, her skin tan/tone is clearly much lighter than before. The reasoning behind this becoming lighter is because I felt that the current tone was a bit too dark for her character. When looking back at how she was supposed to be originally, she was supposed to have a different tone but I feel like the left side example is a bit too far for what it needed to be for her. Added with her other aspects and something about it bugged me, while looking at the new design so far. It's hard to put the right words on it, but in an odd sense. It feels more natural?

Her abs have been toned down a little bit to give her a bit more of a softer look, while still being able to see that she's fit for her activities.

I know this might be a shock kind of change for Nova, so please do take some time to really look at her and form your own opinions on what is good about the new design or what doesn't work, etc.

(Extra picture to show the new design off a bit further.)



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