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I'd like to share with everyone our first preview that tackles the changes being done to certain main characters (Erika, Nova, Rachel & Heather)

This being focused on Erika of course ^^ So on the left side we have how she looks currently and on the right side is our new concept design for her.

The idea behind the changes to the right is mainly to do with her hairstyle not quite looking too great on the left, mainly it's seen as being really weird looking in scenes where she doesn't have her hat on. Added with how the bangs lay on her face and split, it looks a bit different. So we decided that the bangs would be a major focus point on changes for her, in order to make it look more natural and cute, fitting for her. There is a very subtle color tone difference in the hair color and her hair in general is a bit longer than normal.

Now the eye color change was a bit of a test, last minute thing to see how she might look if her eye color went towards a purple/pink tone. I feel like it really helps set her character part more and goes well for her, but it is a bit of a different change for her. (hopefully one for the better!)

Erika is one of the least changed characters out of these redesigns, so there isn't much to tackle. But I'd like to see your feedback on the changes before it fully goes into being completed. ^^



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