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I just wanted to update from this post here since there's been some more final changes to everything. I decided to let this be a public post, unlike the April news post #1 which are exclusive for supporters. I did this because the kickstarter is a huge thing to help the project as a whole, therefore I'd like everyone to be aware of what to expect as we get close to the ks launch!

There can still be changes made before the launch for the kickstarter, which is planned for early/mid June. Below is a updated list of the finalized patreon support tiers, kickstarter backer tiers and stretch goals related to the kickstarter funding. (These goals aren't exclusive to kickstarter, this is for the project as a whole. If we gather enough for addon stories for example, we will add this to the game. Regardless if you're a kickstarter backer, patreon supporter or public, at some point in the future, you will have the exact same version of the game as anyone.)

Below is exactly how the patreon supporter tiers work currently and I don't see any reason to change it, unless it's adding something new on top of these rewards. Name in credits applies to those not active anymore as well, long as they were a $10 supporter at some point. The limit for $25 tier is a rough guess and means once we have 10 unique supporters create their oc. The tier will go away and in it's place we shall try to offer something else for those wishing to support more than $10, this is to keep a balance so we don't have 30+ characters to fit into the game. (Thank you for understanding)

-Patreon tiers & Rewards-


-Exclusive patreon news posts, behind the scenes posts and voting polls.

-Access to Discord Server.


-Previous rewards.

-Art previews. (cg, bg and sprites).

-Access to newest monthly patreon exclusive game update.


-Previous rewards.

-God mode game versions.

-Content suggestions. (not confirmed to be added to the game, but there's a chance.)

-Text guide.

-Name in credits as patreon supporter.


-Previous rewards.

-Design your own background female student or male/female staff OC character. (1 outfit, basic expressions and will show up at least 1-2 times in the game.) (limited: 10)

Below is a more final list of kickstarter tiers & rewards. This seems to be a pretty fair way to handle the exclusive monthly game updates so that both sides get roughly the same out of it. The idea with $60 & $120 tiers are that once we launch in June, if you compare someone who supports $5 or $10 monthly for 1 year. It will reach that amount, in turn with our summer release of 2021. It makes sense to offer a one time payment in this form for some people who choose so. The charms might actually be changed to acrylic standees for the cast. The diaper cover details on material used will come later, but it takes the diaper designs of the characters and turns them into covers for your real diapers or collection showcases for display. :P

The body pillow will include only the sheet custom made (pillow no included). The oc character creations are different compared to the $25 patreon supporter one for those seeking a more exclusive experience for their character made.

If there's any certain rewards you'd like to see fit into the list, drop a comment. Now is the time, as we won't be looking to add more later once the kickstarter is ready to launch!

-Kickstarter tiers & Rewards-

$3 or more

-Kickstarter exclusive news posts. (general news, voting polls, behind the scenes posts)

-Access to Discord Server.

$10 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Kickstarter exclusive news posts plus. (art previews)

-Receive this month’s patreon exclusive game update.

$12 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Receive this month’s patreon exclusive game update and the next month’s! (2 total exclusive updates)

$18 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Name in credits as kickstarter backer.

-Receive this month’s patreon exclusive game update and the next month’s, along with the month after that as well! (3 total exclusive updates)

$35 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Digital artbook & Ost.

$45 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Official digital guide book. 

$60 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Gain all monthly patreon exclusive game updates until the game is finished!

$120 or more
-Previous rewards.
-Gain all monthly patreon exclusive god mode game versions until the game is finished! (start game with max stats and variables unlocked)

$150 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Acrylic charms (your choice of 3 of 9 characters)

$250 or more
-Previous rewards.
-Custom Messy Academy diaper cover! (choose one of of 9 girl’s designs based on their diaper designs ingame)

$350 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Acrylic charms (all main & side characters)

$400 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Design a supporting/side character. (3 outfits, more than basic expressions and seen at least 4 times in the game if not more.) (limited: 5) 

$475 or more

-Previous rewards.

-Body pillow sheet (choose 1 girl from main girls. One side has them clothed, the other side in their diaper/bra.)

$700 or more (Limited: 2)

-Previous rewards.

-Design a unique story character. (4-5 outfits, all expressions range and seen through the game as much as the main characters. Important to events, etc.)

Below are the stretch goals for kickstarter. Again these are not exclusive content for the game for kickstarter backers. These are goals that if reached, they are added to the game as a whole across the board regardless of how you support us! <3

-Kickstarter Goals-

-$5000- Base game funded! (important story cg’s and base game costs covered.)

-$6500- More art funded! (extra cg scenes can be added.)

-$8000- More art funded & Addon stories dlc added! (extra cg scenes can be added & past/current/after story addons for main girls are added) (these addon stories expand on a character's past events growing up that's related to their route, how they led to base game MA and some of their future seen after the end of the base game.)

-$10000- Addon stories dlc added for Bridget, Lola & Zoey! (past/current/after story addons for side girls are added) (same as the above)

-$12000- Charlotte, Allie & Rosa routes added! (no addon stories) (actual routes similar to main characters.)

-$14000- Partial voice over! (The game will feature voice over for important story dialogue and some small word mentions to match their expressions/dialogue.)

-$16000- Routes expanded further! (will add an extra 3 days for each girl’s routes.) (easily explained, little extra focus expanded on their routes and story.)

-$18000- Beach & Vacation addon dlc! (roughly 5 days in length, focuses on the cast during a beach & vacation side story that takes place before the end of the game.)

-$25000- Fully voiced! (game will be fully voiced)

I hope this helps clear things up and that you guys support us with our plan for a kickstarter launch. The whole idea behind it is to help us gather more funding at once that would really help us boost mostly the cg scene art for the game, as it's behind of schedule due to funding. Which isn't anyone's fault, it's simply the nature of costs for cg scenes. While some game projects show off a lot of cg scenes or art in each update, most of the time. These are lead creators who are the artist themselves, letting them directly decide how much art to add. We or myself to be correct, I am not an artist sadly and only handle the writing/scripts, directing, engine work and promoting/advertising for our project. Which means I have to pay someone their rates for each piece of art, that isn't to include pay that goes towards our background or sprite artists, editor, etc.

Needless to say, we feel the project is still managing to pull through even with our short comings! Each month moving forward through 2020 has felt like it's offered new exciting elements for the game.

January: Final gui elements added (cg gallery and ost gallery will be included soon)
February: We hired our bg artist and had our first final bg art for the game added.
March:  A bit of a slow month for new elements, aside from new game unlocked content starting up. Nearly all sprite work being finished in March! (still being added to game)
April: Big push for bg art added at once and kickstarter asset art being done!
May: Big push for cg art? Trailer for the game made professionally.
June: Kickstarter launch! The start of girlfriend routes game update added!

This only covers up to our ks launch, But as we look to have bg art completed in June/July. last major sprite art (3-4 character adjustments) done May/June. We hope to do big pushes on cg scenes with those two things out of the way and look into getting professionally made music/sounds added by late summer!

The coming months up to the ks launch and forward will be very interesting and we can't wait to see how and share how far things have progressed for the game as we get towards the end of 2020!

If you choose to become a kickstarter backer, even while or if not while supporting us on patreon. We appreciate all the support, even to those who due to their reasons aren't able to support with money and simply choose to help share the word about us around the internet in communities. Understand that we are very thankful and grateful for you all in helping bring this project to life! <3  




This sounds fantastic! You've really put a lot of thought and planning into this from the looks of things. I think the diaper covers are an especially clever idea that I wouldn't have thought of at all. Kind of surprised to see OC character slots, but as long as you've got the spots in the story for it, it makes sense! Looking forward to your kickstarter campaign going live this summer, please keep us all updated when the time comes so we can help spread the word!


Glad you think so! ^^ &lt;3 I will for sure be keeping everyone, updated about the kickstarter regardless of being a patreon supporter or not. There will be a lot of multitasking between continuing to push out monthly game updates and advertise/promote the kickstarter, but the extra help from fans will be very very appreciated and helpful during this time! &lt;3 There is plans to also push for a indiegogo launch as well, but before trying to double dip in a sense. I think testing the waters with kickstarter in a sense first will help give me an idea for just much interest there is and see what we can do before pushing for indiegogo next. If it's needed for the rest of funding or most of funding, of course extra funds wouldn't hurt and would do more for the project. But we shall see how successful we are. ^^ (Again thank you all who continue to support us either with funding or simply helping in other ways. Every effort regardless is a ton of help for us and we will do our best with any limited resources to make what we hope is a truly interesting, unique game for this genre! ^^ )