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Early preview of the writing for section 2.

This section focuses on Lola with Joey along with it.

The sections has Joey bump into Brandon, as he mentions that she invited him to hang out and Brandon brings up that she mentioned something the previous day about it too. He's a bit weary, but they end up heading to the cosplay club and she's busy working on new outfits. It turns out her model is busy today and she wanted to have the boys hang out and help with this instead. So after a bit of back and forth, they do decide to help her and model the outfits for her embarrassingly.  She mentioned a reward for helping, but with the stormy weather, Brandon wishes to get back to his dorm room in the event the power goes out.

She explains they haven't claimed their reward yet and without trying to spoil it too much. It will be a optional reward to accept based on the player. :P Before the section ends with Brandon heading back to his dorm for the night.

-Writer notes-

-This was the smaller section for day 13 writing, but it was to be expected as it's more linear.

-I think this will help give people a good idea for what to expect out of Lola's character moving forward, while still learning new things about her ahead.

-I wanted to make a moment where players have to help her with gathering the right supplies as she's making new outfits. But it didn't feel like the angle I had with this was really fun or would work without being in the way.

-This section should act as a continued expanding of hinting at things related to Lola that should let people know how to proceed with her in the future.

-I'd still love to have a section that more directly has in depth stuff related around her cosplay creations taking place, further expanding on things we haven't seen quite yet.


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