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Early preview of the writing for section 1.

This section focuses on Heather & Bridget. (split path choice)

Heather drags Brandon along with her in order to get some extra help with her student council requests from students to fill out. On the way to grab them from the student council room, Bridget calls for them to stop as they walk by the gaming club. She is tangled in cables and is asking if Brandon knows how to fix a tv as there's some issue going on with one of them.

After a bit of dialogue, he decides to help out if it'll be quick and while trying to help Bridget fix the tv. Heather is bored of waiting, while examining the gaming consoles and so Bridget decides to give her something to do in the mean time. She puts a romance visual novel game on for her and teaches her the basics, as Heather hasn't played video games before. There's much going on between them here while Brandon is focused on the tv fixing.

Soon Bridget joins Brandon in fixing things, as Heather discovers the magical world of visual novel/games. After some time passes, Brandon finds out the issue and fixes the tv for her. They notice that Heather is really getting into the game and they sneak up behind her to watch quietly as she has to make choices. Their little fun soon ends once she finds out that everything has been fixed, letting them continue with the requests needed to be done.

This is when the player can choose to stay with Bridget and play some games together or head off as promised with Heather.

I'll keep the rest a secret for their path choices here, but it should be fun and offer much reply value for things.

-Writer notes-

-This section easily became 4500 word count with the path choice and the special options included to add to the replay value.

-I wanted to begin adding more fun choices and things that feel not only rewarding for sections, but stuff that seems fitting for whats going on and also be considered fun for players. One thing I tried with this section is that knowing Heather has requests to fill out, I thought. Why not let players help her directly, so it's more like a mini game in a sense. The choices reward different points and will offer extra goodies from doing it correctly, but even if you "fail" it won't hurt you too much either. Bridget doesn't have a mini game feel with her choices, but there's 3 possible choices all with each different story outcomes. I think many of you will like this section based on all of this alone.

-I knew that Bridget hasn't had much to play deep into her character aside from a little bit and I think this section should hopefully help her out a bit.

-I feel like Heather is continuing to have more progress in her character that's natural, I know some expect her to be nothing but completely meanhearted. But she isn't like that all the time, giving some depth to her as a person. :P



sounds nice, looking forward for it


^^ I have a feeling this update will be really fun and offer quite a nice amount of replay value.