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The banner has changed <.< and if you haven't noticed. Bridget is no longer on the banner and in her place, Juliet is now there. >.>

This is intended, as Juliet is now going to be considered a main character and Bridget will now be a side character. (You can still date and see their routes as normal) There will just be more focus on Juliet moving forward is all.

Let's look back way before Messy Academy even became a visual novel shall we?

It was about a year ago when the initial (awfully made 3d comics) were done. Which isn't canon at all and has nothing to do with the game. But Bridget was one of five original girls (Nova wasn't even a thought at this point). Bridget was supposed to be the tomboy, gamer girl type and actually funny enough.. She was supposed to be considered the icon girl for the game. I felt that even though I disliked the comics I made and her character never really reached a peak in becoming a great character.

I thought that with the game project, I'd hand over the major tomboy elements to Nova and I feel like she's really became a great character that's loved. But focusing back on Bridget, even with a clear idea and focus for her character in the visual novel. It still feels like she's lacking as a interesting character compared to the other main girls who all have their pros and cons. It doesn't help that I've always felt that Bridget is one of the weakest characters from a character/story point of view. (she does have a interesting background, but it's focused in her route)

With all the struggling and much thought put into this, I came up with two major options for how to proceed and part of this was also taking input from our supporters, fans, etc. Our first option was to completely redesign her from the ground up, making her a fresh new character who still focuses on video games, but has a way different tone and feel about her. This would've required a lot of changes to the existing sections for her being reworked as well, but she would be given a final chance to stay as a main character.

The other option was to leave her how she is design wise and not change things for her, instead letting Juliet who has more interesting stand out perks take over her spot as a main character. Which would still be pretty fitting.

I don't want anyone to think this is a bad thing, fans of Bridget will still be able to see her route story and see her around as normal. We'll just be seeing Juliet a bit more, as side characters like Lola & Zoey show up less than the main characters.

(It will be in update 0.10, but the one thing that will change for the story/sections is that during day 5 section 3. The punishment act with John will remove Bridget from this section as a choice and instead have Juliet there. This is the only change needed to be done and it would've been added in update 0.09, but there wasn't enough time to get this done before release.)

Hope you all understand and support this change to the game, as it wasn't something I intended when I first started the visual novel project. But with time, it felt to me that it'd be best to have her a little more in the supporting and background behind main characters.



A tough call to make. Personally I'm a bigger fan of Juliet so far, but I'm glad Bridget'll still be around too, and you aren't taking her away entirely or anything that drastic. She has her charms too and her place among the cast. Hopefully it doesn't throw off the writing process and plans too much with the change, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the future too.


Dang it, now it really don't know witch girl to punish on day 5, i always took Bridged because I don't like her charakter^^


It sure is a tough call, but I do still see great things planned for Bridget regardless and even as a side character. She should still have a interesting deep story tied to her route ^^ The only major change required luckily is a small change to day 5: section 3 replacing Bridget with Juliet as a choice there. It shouldn't take away from much dev time for us. ^^