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I wanted to quickly put this out asap for all supporters and fans following, asking for feedback on this bug/issue. Anyone who can help us locate and receive more feedback on this issue would be very much appreciated! <3

I've been getting reports over time that there's issues with the game freezing (at random?). The most recent one I've received makes it sound like it's something to do with save/load files.

So what is happening?

Supposedly this might be a update 0.07 only issue, as I haven't got around to testing or hearing back on reports of it with update 0.08 (current patreon exclusive update). It's happening when players save their game, then decide to load said saved data. The game will load back to where the saved data was, but the text seems "frozen" and might even look like it's stuck half way between loading/displaying the rest of the following text/dialogue.

No matter what you do, close the game and reopen it, etc. When trying to load said save slot. It is frozen still and not working.

This is the issue at hand currently, but I would like to know if the game is freezing randomly at any point in the game. Below is a little template to help supply any feedback and keep things clean.

Bug report issue: (insert the issue)
-What did you do leading up to it?: (what notable things did you do leading up to it)
-What location did it happen?:  (day/section, more detail the better)
-Was there anything you did to fix it?: (if you managed to fix it or a work around, mention it)
-Extra details if needed: (list in depth as cleanly and neatly, any useful information to add to the above or expand on it.)

Thank you if you take the time to help out with this issue. I will be looking into and testing it myself, but the more help I have in this the quicker I can locate the issue at hand and get things back to normal asap. Sorry if this issue has affected your game play!



Checking 0.08 I haven't found this issue so far in relation to loading/saving games. I tried to save inbetween scenes before text or images finished fully loading, thinking that maybe saving mid-transition or something might have been what was causing text to get stuck, but the engine seems to sufficiently prevent that under normal circumstances to where you aren't able to access the save menu without first loading a particular set of images/text, so that's pretty solid design. I know I experienced random, inconsistent freezes during one of my earlier playthroughs but it really did just seem random, and in my case it wasn't related to saving at all, so it's probably a different issue than the one you are trying to track down. I'll give it some more tries and if I end up finding anything noteworthy, I'll submit a more proper bug report using the outline you provided.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 00:32:08 Sounds good! ^^ Always very appreciated for any help during stuff! &lt;3
2020-03-28 22:36:11 Sounds good! ^^ Always very appreciated for any help during stuff! <3

Sounds good! ^^ Always very appreciated for any help during stuff! <3


Well, I tried. A bunch. And I just can't reproduce this issue in 0.08 so I'm guessing... either it was a 0.07 specific thing, or I'm one of the lucky ones who isn't having any problems with it and won't be of much help to you with tracking this one down. One unrelated potential bug I did notice though during my tests: If you finish a run through the existing content, and immediately start a new game again after the "Thanks for playing" screen, the affection values do not appear to reset to their defaults, and will still have whatever values you left off with at the end of the prior playthrough displayed on the affection menu screen.


That's good to hear then! ^^ Of course I'll do a huge amount of self testing to try and recreate the freezing issue, just to be sure. It could be a number of things that's out of my hands and more to do with different computer builds, parts or even driver/setting issues at play that might cause an issue for one person but someone else might not have the same issue, etc. (just part of testing and the fun with it &gt;.&lt; ) That is good to know! I shall adjust that, it does have some effect on update 0.08 as there is some dialogue changes based on affection and certain choices. So in a sense, it would let players go through and replay again building up their stats even further to easily unlock said dialogue mentions. (not a huge deal for update 0.08 ) But it's good to know about this before releasing update 0.09 as there is some more important unlocked content based around stats and choices. (one thing I have been thinking about offering as a optional reward for $10 supporters along with the god mode version, is a visual route/map as a guide for X or Y is unlocked with this or that, etc.) Of course this is actually more of a behind the scenes tool I have put together to mainly help me keep track of variables, stat gains, etc. So there is some odd stuff mixed in with it compared to a polished version for a completed game. &lt;.&lt; But this might be something I can offer in the event players have played a few times and wonder if they've seen everything or want to work towards unlocking certain things. ^^


Do you know which OS you experienced this trouble in? If it was in the Mac version. Maybe it was because of the permissions in the app file who need to be executed. I can nearly guess that people who run the Mac version have experienced this type of bug. You need to go to the terminal and fix permissions of the file. chmod -R 777 Messy_Academy_Reboot.app (you must be in the same folder where the applications is) This is the command to fix this behavior for the whole app file and I try to load and save in the game without any trouble. So I think this could be the problem many users have right now.


I think something like an affection guide or CG/scene/ending route guide would be a nice perk for your higher tier supporters to have access to, so they know if they've seen all there is to see or if they have missed anything.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 00:32:08 as far as I'm aware it's affecting the windows version, but it could be also happening with the mac version too. &lt;.&lt; I think there's a few possible options as to what is causing it, if it's linked to the engine/game and mostly to do with saving at a certain point and having it happen when trying to load mentioned save. It might be an issue with a certain scene if it's happening only during a certain area like that. I'll be doing some testing today and even through time to see what I can find. It's very possible it can also be linked to many different factors, one person might not have issues, while another person does. It could come down to computer build/parts, settings or drivers, etc. affecting things on their end. &gt;.&lt; (something a little out of my hand I'd think) Also thank you for posting that mac fix! ^^ I have used it as a small guide for how to install the mac version on a few external sites. (I need to add it to the about section under the downloads)
2020-03-29 19:03:02 as far as I'm aware it's affecting the windows version, but it could be also happening with the mac version too. <.< I think there's a few possible options as to what is causing it, if it's linked to the engine/game and mostly to do with saving at a certain point and having it happen when trying to load mentioned save. It might be an issue with a certain scene if it's happening only during a certain area like that. I'll be doing some testing today and even through time to see what I can find. It's very possible it can also be linked to many different factors, one person might not have issues, while another person does. It could come down to computer build/parts, settings or drivers, etc. affecting things on their end. >.< (something a little out of my hand I'd think) Also thank you for posting that mac fix! ^^ I have used it as a small guide for how to install the mac version on a few external sites. (I need to add it to the about section under the downloads)

as far as I'm aware it's affecting the windows version, but it could be also happening with the mac version too. <.< I think there's a few possible options as to what is causing it, if it's linked to the engine/game and mostly to do with saving at a certain point and having it happen when trying to load mentioned save. It might be an issue with a certain scene if it's happening only during a certain area like that. I'll be doing some testing today and even through time to see what I can find. It's very possible it can also be linked to many different factors, one person might not have issues, while another person does. It could come down to computer build/parts, settings or drivers, etc. affecting things on their end. >.< (something a little out of my hand I'd think) Also thank you for posting that mac fix! ^^ I have used it as a small guide for how to install the mac version on a few external sites. (I need to add it to the about section under the downloads)