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Early preview of the writing for section 2.

This section focuses on Rachel & Juliet.

The section begins right after class ends, as Brandon learns there's a mandatory swimming class required. He soon remembers that both Rachel and Juliet were in his class together, wishing to keep his promise to Juliet in the previous day about helping her gain new friends. He decides that with Rachel being around too, it's the best chance!

After getting changed for the pool, he soon finds Rachel by the pool and tries to bring her along with him to find Juliet. Who after chatting with a familiar student we've seen before, he finds her and introduces the two girls.

With his help, he breaks the ice between the two and allows for them to chat a bit before the teacher shouts for everyone to get into the pool. After some time spent swimming, they decided to go check out Rachel's club on Juliet's request. It isn't long before Juliet snuggles with some of the plushies in the room, before collecting herself. While explaining why Juliet likes corgis, it sends Rachel into a daydream state. After some time, they continue.

It's mentioned that Juliet being part of the student council has ties to help Rachel's club grow in time for the festival. Along with learning that Juliet did in fact made it into cheerleading club. The group decides to see Rachel's cooking skills as you get to choose what she'll cook for everyone.

Soon after cooking, Juliet receives a text from Heather asking if she's seen Brandon and to have him visit her at the library... What awaits him there though?

-Writers notes-  

-I had a ton of fun with how the cooking scene came out for the choices. It's also the first time we really get a bigger sense of Rachel's cooking skills, which was never really seen or fully explained before the reboot or even up until now. Just simple mentions of it.

-There will be a lot of X or Y character's becoming friends, enemies, etc. I knew that Rachel not having any real friends with her issues gave her a good opening for something special. When you pair that up with Juliet who has a different issue with not having friends, it felt fitting to see these two try slowly becoming friends. I know Miki had a small moment with Rachel, but it's hard to say how far that will go yet <.<

-I shamelessly wanted to write up a section that gave me the excuse to show Juliet and Rachel's swimsuits off. >.< But that isn't to say there wasn't thought put into everything here.

-The idea for Juliet liking corgis is kind of a personal touch that I added for her that's linked to myself. (not that Juliet or any character is a self insert for me >.< ) I love corgis and sadly my very own for the last 11 years recently had to be put down within the first week of December, it could all warrant it's own post but I try not to bring personal problems or concerns into the open. Needless to say it had it's toll on me with the bond I shared with our corgi. (sorry for a less happy mention <.< )


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