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I finally bring you all our last male sprite to cover (more previews for Joey/Nathan later).

John is the main teacher revolved around Brandon and the boys at the academy, normally he's their teacher during classes. Teachers are a bit unique at the academy with their dress code compared to normal schools, in case you couldn't tell by how casual John's outfit is. :P

If you don't know already, he can easily come off as a perverted creep and I do think the sprite nails that. There should be some unease or questioning towards him with how he behaves.

Why does he wear diapers if it's not required for staff/teachers? It'll be explained at some point in the game further, but he enjoys wearing and using them simply put. He really is a odd one... as far as teachers go. <.< His design is a little hard to tell, but it seems pretty simple and baby like, perhaps it's fitting?

Anyways that's all for John's preview! Next up will either be the Nurse's last preview (expressions) or moving on to Charlotte previews next. ^^



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