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The monthly Q&A and voting poll. These are open to the public, but supporters votes by default count as double and when  answering questions they'll be given more priority.

Q&A is  simply just as it sounds! Leave any questions about the game, be it tech support, story, character, etc. Whatever feels fitting for questions to ask about the game and project. (These questions can be directed in a roleplaying style towards select characters, watch as they personally reply back to you about your question relating to them! :o In order to direct a question to a character in a roleplay sense. Simply copy the below, fill it out and paste it, wait for your response! ^^)

---Character Question---
@insert character name (Example: @Miki )
Question: How tall are you Miki?

---Character Response---
Miki: Heeey!! What's with that question?! .... Okay, only because you're really fun to be around! -giggles- I'm 5'2"!

The voting part of this post is  to vote on your favorite character's from the most recent updates, this can be based on their story events so far or their personality, etc. Along with this is the voting if you like the recent updates or if it  doesn't feel so great. Everyone can vote multiple times on the choices.  

(If you dislike or like certain things and feel it's worth noting what, I do enjoy seeing feedback and comments even if it's not in the best of light. It's my job to take feedback and while I can't make everyone happy, I do consider everything! ^^ )



I feel like I comment on all these monthly polls (I probably have honestly.) But... Okay, here goes... ---Character Question--- @Rachel Question: Frogs or lizards? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Rosa Question: Are you secretly a member of Nova's fan club? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Heather Question: What if someone dared you to speak openly and honestly for 24 hours straight? Think you could handle it? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Juliet Question: What's your favorite flower? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Nova Question: Do you sleep in on weekends, or are you up early for training/practice even on your off days? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Miki Question: What's your favorite thing to do when you think nobody's looking? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Bridget Question: Would you like a hug? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Erika Question: What's your favorite book? ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Charlotte Question: Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? ----------------------------- ...whew... and that's all the randomly silly questions I could think of for now. On a slightly more technical topic, what's the preferred way to notify you about minor typos in the game script and similar? I noticed the occasional one in all the new content from 0.07 now that I got a chance to try it. Awesome work on all that content too by the way. It flows much better and has a stronger sense of cohesion than the 0.05 and older builds before the reboot in my opinion. Part of me is looking forward to the open-ended sections appearing again at some point down the road, but for now I really appreciate the better pacing that the linearity is providing to the overall narrative.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 00:59:55 ---Character Question--- @Rachel Question: Frogs or lizards? ----------------------------- Rachel: O-Oh... Umm... Well p-perhaps frogs! B-But I don't think... I'd go out of the way for either over fluffy c-cute a-animals... .... .. *daydreaming stare* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Rosa Question: Are you secretly a member of Nova's fan club? ----------------------------- Rosa: *laughs* I'm afraid not! But maybe that's a good thing, who knows what odd things her fan club could ask me about her! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Heather Question: What if someone dared you to speak openly and honestly for 24 hours straight? Think you could handle it? ----------------------------- Heather: Hmf! What kind of stupid question is that?! There's no way I'd do something so childish even if there was money involved! Messy Studios: Maybe it's that she's afraid? Don't let her hear me say that though! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Juliet Question: What's your favorite flower? ----------------------------- Juliet: Oh, mayhaps the lotus flower. There's something quite beautiful about it that peaks my interest! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Nova Question: Do you sleep in on weekends, or are you up early for training/practice even on your off days? ----------------------------- Nova: Hah! That's easy, enough. I'm so used to being up early and getting everything done even on weekends! While I do sometimes like to get some extra training in, I tend to get stuck with extra credit activites on weekends. ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Miki Question: What's your favorite thing to do when you think nobody's looking? ----------------------------- Miki: *laughs* There's waaay too many things to do even when people are looking!! ... *gasp* Do you think ghosts watch and make mean comments about our daily lives?! Where's Erika at!! She'd know for sure!! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Bridget Question: Would you like a hug? ----------------------------- Bridget: Pfftt! That demends on how I'm feeling and the intentions behind the person.. Maybe if I'm in the mood for it. *wink* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Erika Question: What's your favorite book? ----------------------------- Erika: That's quite a hard question! I hate to sound kind of boring but there's something very special with Romeo and Juliet. The whole story and way of how things turned out, it reminds me of... *shakes head* N-Nevermind! *laughs* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Charlotte Question: Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? ----------------------------- Charlotte: .... ..... .. Messy Studios: Uh.. Who took her notebook away from her? Here you go Charlotte! *She holds up a page from her notebook that reads* "Nope! It's always been blonde." ----------------------------- ^^ I don't really have a preferred way, but I would say I notice direct private messages a little faster than public comments for example. There is sometimes things do slip through during transfer to the engine and a small slight chance when play tested that within the next update some are fixed up, but of course it is helpful if there's certain ones that show up. We can always look and double check if it was fixed or not yet. ^^ (any typos or errors, just be sure to list "during X day X section around Y dialogue/etc" it helps keep things sped up.) Thank you! <3 I'm glad the flow of things and the way events are carried over or aren't purely forgotten have been done so far in the reboot process. It should always feel like each new section with say Rachel for example, we'll notice little character building things that continue from the previous times we hung out with her. Ideally there will be more choices, added to previous and future sections as we continue forward. Even as simple as small dialogue changes to help allow players to feel they had effect on doing things. We do want to be careful before we go all out with this sort of thing though, as the game will only expand further with choices and what they do very soon. Update 0.08 actually began adding unlocked content into play again, without trying to spoil it. Days 7, 8 & 9 all offer some unlocked stuff based on either affection with characters or based on a select choice from before those days. ^^ This unlocked content can be in the form of different dialogue seen, cg scenes or even events changing, etc. Hopefully things continue to grow with each update for the better, it really is nice to hear what each person is enjoying or even disliking about the game. While there's no promise we can make everyone happy, we do try to do our best! <3 Thank you and don't worry with the commenting on these :P I'd rather engage with our fans and supporters than not! ^^
2020-03-02 11:26:57 ---Character Question--- @Rachel Question: Frogs or lizards? ----------------------------- Rachel: O-Oh... Umm... Well p-perhaps frogs! B-But I don't think... I'd go out of the way for either over fluffy c-cute a-animals... .... .. *daydreaming stare* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Rosa Question: Are you secretly a member of Nova's fan club? ----------------------------- Rosa: *laughs* I'm afraid not! But maybe that's a good thing, who knows what odd things her fan club could ask me about her! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Heather Question: What if someone dared you to speak openly and honestly for 24 hours straight? Think you could handle it? ----------------------------- Heather: Hmf! What kind of stupid question is that?! There's no way I'd do something so childish even if there was money involved! Messy Studios: Maybe it's that she's afraid? Don't let her hear me say that though! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Juliet Question: What's your favorite flower? ----------------------------- Juliet: Oh, mayhaps the lotus flower. There's something quite beautiful about it that peaks my interest! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Nova Question: Do you sleep in on weekends, or are you up early for training/practice even on your off days? ----------------------------- Nova: Hah! That's easy, enough. I'm so used to being up early and getting everything done even on weekends! While I do sometimes like to get some extra training in, I tend to get stuck with extra credit activites on weekends. ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Miki Question: What's your favorite thing to do when you think nobody's looking? ----------------------------- Miki: *laughs* There's waaay too many things to do even when people are looking!! ... *gasp* Do you think ghosts watch and make mean comments about our daily lives?! Where's Erika at!! She'd know for sure!! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Bridget Question: Would you like a hug? ----------------------------- Bridget: Pfftt! That demends on how I'm feeling and the intentions behind the person.. Maybe if I'm in the mood for it. *wink* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Erika Question: What's your favorite book? ----------------------------- Erika: That's quite a hard question! I hate to sound kind of boring but there's something very special with Romeo and Juliet. The whole story and way of how things turned out, it reminds me of... *shakes head* N-Nevermind! *laughs* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Charlotte Question: Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? ----------------------------- Charlotte: .... ..... .. Messy Studios: Uh.. Who took her notebook away from her? Here you go Charlotte! *She holds up a page from her notebook that reads* "Nope! It's always been blonde." ----------------------------- ^^ I don't really have a preferred way, but I would say I notice direct private messages a little faster than public comments for example. There is sometimes things do slip through during transfer to the engine and a small slight chance when play tested that within the next update some are fixed up, but of course it is helpful if there's certain ones that show up. We can always look and double check if it was fixed or not yet. ^^ (any typos or errors, just be sure to list "during X day X section around Y dialogue/etc" it helps keep things sped up.) Thank you! <3 I'm glad the flow of things and the way events are carried over or aren't purely forgotten have been done so far in the reboot process. It should always feel like each new section with say Rachel for example, we'll notice little character building things that continue from the previous times we hung out with her. Ideally there will be more choices, added to previous and future sections as we continue forward. Even as simple as small dialogue changes to help allow players to feel they had effect on doing things. We do want to be careful before we go all out with this sort of thing though, as the game will only expand further with choices and what they do very soon. Update 0.08 actually began adding unlocked content into play again, without trying to spoil it. Days 7, 8 & 9 all offer some unlocked stuff based on either affection with characters or based on a select choice from before those days. ^^ This unlocked content can be in the form of different dialogue seen, cg scenes or even events changing, etc. Hopefully things continue to grow with each update for the better, it really is nice to hear what each person is enjoying or even disliking about the game. While there's no promise we can make everyone happy, we do try to do our best! <3 Thank you and don't worry with the commenting on these :P I'd rather engage with our fans and supporters than not! ^^

---Character Question--- @Rachel Question: Frogs or lizards? ----------------------------- Rachel: O-Oh... Umm... Well p-perhaps frogs! B-But I don't think... I'd go out of the way for either over fluffy c-cute a-animals... .... .. *daydreaming stare* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Rosa Question: Are you secretly a member of Nova's fan club? ----------------------------- Rosa: *laughs* I'm afraid not! But maybe that's a good thing, who knows what odd things her fan club could ask me about her! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Heather Question: What if someone dared you to speak openly and honestly for 24 hours straight? Think you could handle it? ----------------------------- Heather: Hmf! What kind of stupid question is that?! There's no way I'd do something so childish even if there was money involved! Messy Studios: Maybe it's that she's afraid? Don't let her hear me say that though! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Juliet Question: What's your favorite flower? ----------------------------- Juliet: Oh, mayhaps the lotus flower. There's something quite beautiful about it that peaks my interest! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Nova Question: Do you sleep in on weekends, or are you up early for training/practice even on your off days? ----------------------------- Nova: Hah! That's easy, enough. I'm so used to being up early and getting everything done even on weekends! While I do sometimes like to get some extra training in, I tend to get stuck with extra credit activites on weekends. ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Miki Question: What's your favorite thing to do when you think nobody's looking? ----------------------------- Miki: *laughs* There's waaay too many things to do even when people are looking!! ... *gasp* Do you think ghosts watch and make mean comments about our daily lives?! Where's Erika at!! She'd know for sure!! ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Bridget Question: Would you like a hug? ----------------------------- Bridget: Pfftt! That demends on how I'm feeling and the intentions behind the person.. Maybe if I'm in the mood for it. *wink* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Erika Question: What's your favorite book? ----------------------------- Erika: That's quite a hard question! I hate to sound kind of boring but there's something very special with Romeo and Juliet. The whole story and way of how things turned out, it reminds me of... *shakes head* N-Nevermind! *laughs* ----------------------------- ---Character Question--- @Charlotte Question: Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? ----------------------------- Charlotte: .... ..... .. Messy Studios: Uh.. Who took her notebook away from her? Here you go Charlotte! *She holds up a page from her notebook that reads* "Nope! It's always been blonde." ----------------------------- ^^ I don't really have a preferred way, but I would say I notice direct private messages a little faster than public comments for example. There is sometimes things do slip through during transfer to the engine and a small slight chance when play tested that within the next update some are fixed up, but of course it is helpful if there's certain ones that show up. We can always look and double check if it was fixed or not yet. ^^ (any typos or errors, just be sure to list "during X day X section around Y dialogue/etc" it helps keep things sped up.) Thank you! <3 I'm glad the flow of things and the way events are carried over or aren't purely forgotten have been done so far in the reboot process. It should always feel like each new section with say Rachel for example, we'll notice little character building things that continue from the previous times we hung out with her. Ideally there will be more choices, added to previous and future sections as we continue forward. Even as simple as small dialogue changes to help allow players to feel they had effect on doing things. We do want to be careful before we go all out with this sort of thing though, as the game will only expand further with choices and what they do very soon. Update 0.08 actually began adding unlocked content into play again, without trying to spoil it. Days 7, 8 & 9 all offer some unlocked stuff based on either affection with characters or based on a select choice from before those days. ^^ This unlocked content can be in the form of different dialogue seen, cg scenes or even events changing, etc. Hopefully things continue to grow with each update for the better, it really is nice to hear what each person is enjoying or even disliking about the game. While there's no promise we can make everyone happy, we do try to do our best! <3 Thank you and don't worry with the commenting on these :P I'd rather engage with our fans and supporters than not! ^^


That was fun. Thanks for that, ladies. (And Messy Studios folks of course!) Re: the direct messaging over comments, it makes sense. I figured there's probably stuff already caught and fixed in the newest patreon build, but yeah no harm in mentioning them just in case. They've only been few and minor so I figured you already had a good number of eyes on the script and that sort of thing. I just happen to be pretty decent at catching stuff like that most of the time, so I noticed a few is all. It's always easier when it's something somebody else has written too... fresh pair of eyes and all that. And yeah I was already thinking of submitting them in a similar fashion to help narrow down what part of the game they are in. I know how it goes with tracking down one word in a big dialogue pool. The more specifics you have to work with the better. Next time I boot up the game I'll do another run through and toss the specifics your way via a direct message. Sounds like there's a lot to look forward to in the new version. But yeah you do have to be careful so the scope doesn't balloon way out of manageable proportions. It's a difficult thing to reign in and constrain imagination and creativity sometimes... I gotta say, I appreciate how much content there has been between updates so far. It seems like quite a lot to pack in for just a month in-between releases. Makes the updates feel really full and like you get a lot out of each one. I appreciate it, and I'm sure it's a lot of time, effort, and love put into it. That's nice to hear that the possibility for even expanding scenes that are already in place might come about at least in some small degree. I know again you can't deviate too much there or it would mess up the flow of everything else you've already got in place, but for example Rachel's scene outside on... Day 5 I believe it was? Maybe it was 4. Right after you meet Bridget. When I reached that part I was thinking "this would be a good opportunity for a CG scene potentially" after having gone through the scene and realizing there wasn't a placeholder for one there. Obviously you don't have to cater to every fan's wishes or requests etc. as that would be an impossibly tall order, definitely please stick to your own creative visions and schedule unless something fans/supporters say fits with what you have in mind and is actually reasonable to implement, as y'know, things are proceeding great so far from my point of view anyway, and the only real "complaint" I have is basically wanting more (such a greedy ego haha.) Anyway thanks for your time!


That'd be super helpful! ^^ Of course don't go out of the way to do this of course, but any amount of bug/typo/reports really help us be aware of certain things to keep an eye on and fix up for the future. It really is hard sometimes to limit ourselves on certain things &gt;.&lt; there's actually a list we keep track of aspects and things that is suggested, so even if there's no mention of certain things or what not. It is possible we might be looking into adding a select thing later on once the base stuff is done. :P (of course doesn't hurt to mention certain things or wishes from fans and supporters, even if it's been heard before. Let's us know it's just that much more wanted.) Thanks! ^^ It really is a lot of time put into each update, even if a couple days of content for an update sounds small in a sense. It's roughly about 4500+ word count per day of content just for the written side of things. Without going any further, that's just that alone but give or take a good amount of time is spent within the engine too to lay things out, polish and test, etc. Actually it's funny you mention that &lt;.&lt; with the Rachel scene because while there isn't a placeholder scene that pops up for some sections, in a sense each section will have one at some point is the plan. That very one being one of them :P I'm glad to hear things feel like it's going great so far and we can only hope it continues! &lt;3 XD