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Hi everyone! ^^

I just wanted to go over how updates work for the new supporters or anyone that wishes to know what to expect each month.

So at the end of each month there's going to be a new update for the game, the next one being update 0.08 on the 29th. In order to properly enjoy the new update, sometime during said date. There will be a new post on patreon that is only viewable by $5+ supporters that has links to download the newest update for windows or mac within the post.

Once this new post has been posted, I also update the patreon page more information/about section where it says "public release download etc. Patreon supporter release download etc." So even if you can't find the post for the download, this area will always be updated to direct you straight to that said post as well! ^^

One important note to remember with new updates! Do not copy a previous update's save data to the new update folder! This will most likely break the game for you and cause issues that isn't supposed to be there, which can also cause false bug report problems that I then double check and can't seem to find them happening, only to find out later it's because of the above. >.< I am going to be adding the "skip to new content" buttons back again starting in March. But ideally I'll continue to research and see if there's a way to allow you guys to copy old save data and transfer it into new updates without it breaking things, this would be very good for those not seeking to replay everything else or simply skip to where new content begins, etc.

That's really all I have, I just want to mention thank you all again for continued support and for those of you new supporters who joined in February. We hope to see your continued support heading into March! Please do feel free to spread the word or news about the game to others within the communities, friends, anyone who seems interested who might have not had the luck of finding out about us yet. (this doesn't mean share the patreon supporter only updates with them of course >.< ) <3


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