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 Early preview for day 8 section 2 writing.

Section 2 focuses on Erika and the daily school life during the day, set in the gym class. It gives us a look into how other areas of the academy function outside of just the class room setting.

Brandon is running late to the gym, as his sister forgot to mention to him there was gym class today. So he makes it there and after the teacher gives him a ear full, he notices the girls are stretching to warm up and he can see their diapers peeking out from the bloomers. But it isn't long before they notice, making him continue on to find a partner to stretch with. He ends up having his sister without a partner and stretches with her, during which he can't help but notice the same issue with bloomers going on for her too. She blushes and asks what he's staring at, while making an embarrassing comment, she hurts him a little in response. Then they swap places for stretching, continuing on until the teacher speaks up for everyone to huddle around. He mentions they'll run 2 miles today and after some comments from other students, they begin their jog. Brandon jogs along side Erika and tries to make small talk, but they find it's easier to not chat while running. Instead he thinks about his past as siblings and we learn a little more insight about what kind of relationship the two shared before.

Before he knows it, they've finished their 2 miles and sit at a bench where they discuss some more topics until other students have finished up with their run too. The section ends with them heading off to the cafeteria.


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