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The monthly Q&A and voting poll is back! ^^ These are open to the public, but supporters votes by default count as double and when answering questions they'll be given more priority.

Q&A is simply just as it sounds! Leave any questions about the game, be it tech support, story, character, etc. Whatever feels fitting for questions to ask about the game and project.

The voting part of this post is to vote on your favorite character's from the most recent updates, this can be based on their story events so far or their personality, etc. Along with this is the voting if you like the recent updates or if it doesn't feel so great. Everyone can vote multiple times on the choices.



Thanks again for another poll. I like the direction of the new reboot demo. I voted based off of a mix of the 0.05 release and the new reboot, since some scenes and characters that were presented in one version haven't yet had their equivalent re-introduced in the other, and vice-versa (Rachel, Heather, Juliet, Lola, etc.) so it's hard to say for sure about certain characters' story events or personality when we've only seen hints so far. I'm sure the polls will be able to be more precise and accurate with future builds though. Also it seems some changes in the writing direction and maybe even character personalities has come about for the reboot? Juliet's new intro in the reboot makes her seem like a completely different person than the impression one got from the one scene with her back in the earlier 0.05 ver. so it'll be interesting to see what else changes. She didn't impress me much in 0.05 but in the reboot I'm very interested to learn more about her going forward. I also think that the more linear approach to the story that the reboot is taking is ultimately going to be better for the game in the long run. Of course there will still be some player choices, which is great, keeps the replay value high, but it feels a lot more cohesive with a more linear focus in the new version, and I think the end result will be much easier for players to understand how to navigate and get the most out of the experience. It'll probably mean less alienation of players from the content you're creating, and that's always good getting more eyes on stuff you've put time into bringing about. The new character sprites and even the placeholder character art honestly is looking great to me personally too. I think it's easier to get more expression and range of emotions shown properly in 2D sprites than 3D models generally, and it's already showing well. I'm looking forward to the future of the game! Thanks again for all your efforts and your generosity with the releases.


Oh and one more thing, I like the MC, Brandon, which I think for me is a bit unusual for a male MC. It's not often I find ones I like I suppose, but am enjoying his interactions and personality so far for the most part. Whether or not that holds up for the entirety of the game, time will tell, but yeah so far he's surprisingly agreeable for me personally, so I think that's worth a kudos or two all on its own.


Of course! ^^ It was only a matter of time before the monthly Q&A/voting poll returned. Ideally by the end of February update 0.07 will be released for public as 0.08 releases for supporters. So with that, it'll make these posts a little better for asking about set characters. Cause otherwise as of right now what's open to the public is only really showing Miki, Erika, Nova and Juliet for the girls. (While 0.07 showcases everyone except Lola) So it'll be interesting to see. ^^ There actually is some changes in the writing, our previous writer decided it would be best to step down back in December. They're still around as our editor now, but as of right now and the foreseen future. I've taken over as the writer and so there might be some differences seen and some expanding of character's have been popping up. For the most part most characters will stay within their personality ranges, but also try growing outside of them a bit in a sense. Off the top of my head, Juliet has been changed personality wise, her story and stuff tied with her is still roughly the same. But I feel like she'll be better fitted with how we see her in the reboot vs her old stuff in 0.05 and Zoey while exclusive to 0.07 right now. She underwent some changes, going from the concept of returned from a coma and isn't mentally her age. (sort of hard to play those aspects in an adult game, plus I'll admit I can't quite write for a character with that sort of depth right now.) She will come off more like an air head, childish and odd in nature. (should be fun to see reactions to her :P ) along with those, I think of Bridget receiving some tone shifting and seeing a different light for her character. (I've always felt personally that she's been one of the weakest character's vs the others to make her interesting or fun, but I hope with a few sections related to her will show a good direction for her.) That is one good thing not only for engine work, but also it just feels like with the day to day and sections that aim to feel more like slice of life moment to moment through the game. That it'd be better for things to stay more linear in the sense, but the goal is to ensure each section has some sort of choices being around that either offer different outcomes for that section, affection stats, learning select information, etc. There is still also at moments in the game for some branching paths during sections, a example of this would be from 0.05 you had a choice to hang out with Erika or tag along with Joey/Nathan to hang with Bridget. Allowing players to go with who they're more interested with for choices. 0.07 has this too but the idea behind most of them will be seen more as a alternative choice. So to further expand on this, the section that has Juliet show up for the first time and cosplay as a cat girl. If we took that and instead of only being limited to it being Juliet, maybe there would be a choice between her or picking Nova. Either choice, for the most part the section would play out nearly the same except for dialogue differences and slight changes to events. But it'd try not to get too crazy as those branching choices could almost be seen as 2 sections in one with how out of hand they can become. <.< Glad you're enjoying the sprites! ^^ Our sprite artist really does a great job with ensuring each character has a good range to play with. Ideally with each update, I'd like to continue playing around with expression/emotes and adding new ones, which can also be added to previous existing content if it feels like it plays off the scenes better. I won't lie that there is quite a lot of emotes though and while generally, it could very well pass with only needing less than 20, etc. I would like to think visually seeing character's expressions change more often to match the dialogue/scenes is a nice thing for everyone and something we'll continue to add and expand on each update. ^^ Thank you very much! ^^ Hopefully with more time and updates, we'll be able to continue showing the progress in huge leaps. The next few months leading into summer will be very interesting and visually things will come together more than we see so far. (final gui elements added in February, bg art starting to be added in 0.08)


^^ Glad you enjoy him! I do think it's hard to make a MC that people will generally like, just because there's different ways of handling it and some will like it one way or the other, etc. I know there's some interest in being able to rename Brandon to make things feel more personal, which is on the list of content to get to soon enough. But that for example is kind of hard, because I think most people would like to rename the MC if it's more of a general less vocal, neutral toned kind of character? (To insert their own thoughts and such) But ever since the start, it's been a tough thing to think about. I think the game could've had a less vocal/neutral toned MC and let players insert more into the events going on in the game without feeling like they're just trying to fit into Brandon's shoes. But I do think having him feel like more of a stand alone character with his friends in the sense, that it can still feel pretty good. Which is good to hear there's people who are enjoying him as a MC so far and while things can change, hopefully he sticks to being relatable and having many moments for everyone where they feel like they can relate to his thought processes and of course choices are meant to be based on how you personally feel. :P But without rambling, thank you! ^^


Love the game but wanted to ask if you would consider to put an option in the game where you can choose between the 2D and 3D models for the characters ? Also, is there any way I can get the old 3D models of the characters ?


Thank you! ^^ There was talk about maybe allowing a 2d vs 3d mode for those who liked the old 3d models of the characters instead. I wouldn't fully rule it out, but it would be something that'd take quite a bit of dev time still. When the 3d models were being used for the game, they only had their school uniforms, diaper/bra and swimsuits. So there would still need to be some more work on getting other outfits done. Outside of that, there's the old 3d model cg scenes. I don't want to fully say it won't happen, but there would need to be a pretty good amount of demand for the 3d mode with everything considered. I'll be honest <.< I don't mind sharing the old 3d models of the characters if anyone wishes to use them and do stuff with them. The only issue is that the models were made in second life, so I'm sure it's possible to maybe export the models from that program out of it and share them. <.< I'm just not too experienced with it, I'll look into finding a way to export the models and share them if it's possible. ^^


I am new here, but so far i think your work here is amazing, i don't get why you don't have more Patreons, you should spread the word some some.


Welcome! ^^ Thank you for the kind words! We do advertise on a few external websites outside of patreon already, but if there's any that anyone feels would be a good fit to post on for the game, we're always open to suggestions. ^^ Hope you'll enjoy the new update in 2 days <3