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This post covers all the new content and changes coming with update 0.07 ^^

-transition timing between sections has been changed. (shorter than before and you can now skip section transitions by clicking!)

-New content-
-New emotes have been added to existing sprites. (face expressions, fart effect)
-Day 3 has been added.
-Day 4 has been added.
-Day 5 has been added.
-Day 6 has been added.
-Heather's sprite has been added. (Day 3:sec 1) (Day 4:sec 1)
-Rachel's sprite has been added. (Day 3:sec 2) (Day 5:sec 2)
-Bridget's sprite has been added. (Day 5:sec 1) (Day 6:sec 2)
-Juliet's sprite has been added. (Day 2:sec 2)
-Placeholder sprites for Allie, Rosa and Bindy have been added. (Day 4:sec 3) (Day 6:sec 1)
-New cg scenes have been added. (Day 1:sec2) (Day 3:sec 2) (Day 5:sec 3)

-List of content noted-
-Final GUI elements added (coming in February)
-Final bg art starting to be added monthly. (Starting in February)
-Allow name change for protag. (February if there's time, most likely March.)
(There's more on our backlog of content to consider, some are better left until later to touch.)

While in text it doesn't seem like a lot of content, but compared to what to expect after this month. This is a huge update due to the reboot process that started during December and also had issues due to the holiday timing. We are a small team and I want to focus more time on this project, of course I personally work 50+ hours weekly. So what little free time I do get, I always try to put a few hours into it daily on the writing/engine programming side of things. (not to even count social posting and maintaining posts)

That isn't to give myself or the team a excuse of course to slack off, we have our set goals monthly and aim for them. Just please do understand that with update 0.08 at the end of February, there won't be as much content compared to 0.07 what to expect roughly below.

3-4 new days added.
1-2 new character sprites.
2-3 new cg scenes.
1-2 new bg art pieces.
Other content, may affect set things above give or take with time.

With all that said, I hope you all look forward to the release post on the 30th! ^^ (the download links and password will be contained at the bottom of the release post sent out on patreon. The about/info area for the patreon page will also update it's download link redirect to this release post for ease.)

Also if anyone is having issues unzipping the .rar files, let me know personally if it's on windows or mac versions. I'm looking into maybe making the game .zip files instead of .rar if there's feedback that there's issues with getting things working with one or the other. Thank you! ^^ <3


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