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Just a tiny post to let all you supporters out there know that we've nearly reached another patreon goal this month! (regardless what the active amount shows)

We're roughly about 20usd from reaching the $320 goal! ^^ I'm sure we can hit this by the end of this month, I know it mentions that at this goal it'd allow 2 new cg scenes per month. Which we've been roughly doing or more lately, but this sadly can't happen all the time either.

(I actually put some of my own money outside of the project and my own % share towards it at times to boost the count of cg scenes being added. :) )

This month was looking like it'd be only 1 cg scene that's new, because of the final gui elements being paid for. But I'd like to mention that there will be another cg scene this month, hopefully a preview of this will be shared shortly before the update on the 30th! ^^

Again, a small post. But we really do thank everyone for the continued support and new supporters finding out about us! <3


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