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Hi everyone! ^^

So I wanted to make a quick little news post, a bit briefly after the previous one. Let's quickly discuss the ntr stuff, as I'd like to be 100% open and honest about this content with you supporters and in public. (minus the people who choose to blindly troll in the comment section and don't know a word about what they're talking about.)

So yes the game does have ntr content, it is 100% avoidable/optional. Avoidable would be the better word to use, because it is exactly what that means... I should explain that the game builds it's updates and content without ntr in mind as a focus. This way if people hate ntr, they can avoid it and not miss out on anything important to the base game for story, sex acts, etc. Just because there is ntr content, doesn't mean we toss a bunch of resources into that.

Let me explain where and what content consists of ntr elements (the ones with other males). The first thing would be related to John, the teacher. There's moments in the game where he's a pervert and tries getting girls to do stuff with him. Let me give an example of this and how the 100% avoidable stuff works, by explaining the first ntr content related to John that shows up on day 5.

During that section, John wishes to take out punishment on a select girl because someone threw a love note to Brandon. He mentions that they'll be forced to mess themselves in front of the class, then he expands this punishment to having to also do a tier 3 punishment also. (it doesn't say what that means until later.) So this leads to Brandon having to rat a girl out rightfully or wrongfully, John makes them lay over his lap and spanks their diapered bottom and then forces them to mess themselves too. Now during this point, Brandon over hears students talking about what the tier 3 punishment consists of, finding out it's a blowjob. Before selected girl even does anything else or before John shows his junk, the player can speak up and lead things to stop that make sense to the story. In this case, he makes up a story how he was the one who wrote it and was going to prank his two buddies this weekend, etc. Leading John to half hearty accept his story and stop the punishment any further. If you choose not to speak up after hearing about what's coming next from those students, then that's up to you and would be considered the actual ntr content.

So, with that explained. I know reading the text vs visually seeing the section play out will help piece this all together. But the point I'm trying to get across, is if you avoid ntr content. You aren't missing out and it doesn't affect the base game stories and other sex acts that will show up related with Brandon instead.

Next, there is two girls who have ntr related routes. One is a side girl (mini route) and one is a main girl (full route). I don't want to spoil who they are, but I ensure you those two girls have big hints in sections way before you make them your girlfriend to warn you about the ntr related in their routes. (these two routes with the girls mentioned, only have ntr in their route because it's related to their personal story. So without trying to freak anyone out, I'll hint that Miki for example based on her personality and story that's to be told. That she is not one of these two girls talked about.)

The last thing the game has with ntr related content isn't related to males. Meaning it's reverse ntr. (Player cheats on his girlfriend) This is 100% up to the player with choices and based around affection or other key things to unlock stuff. So how this works is once you have a girlfriend, let's say Nova. You can slowly continue doing her route and unlocking deeper relationship, sex acts, etc with her. But during other days, let's say day 27 section 2 has a moment where. If you have enough affection, while hanging out with Bridget and gaming together. She tries to have a lead into giving you a blowjob, before this actually happens. The game will pull up a choice, if you'd like to cheat on your girlfriend or not. If you continue to cheat on your girlfriend, it can lead into a harem ending. If you choose not to, it'll lead towards other endings that's focused on her only. (hopefully this explains the reverse ntr meaning and understanding how it plays out, if you let it.)

Also just in general about the above, by avoiding or skipping ntr content. You're not losing out on the base game's story or anything like that. The only counter point to that, would be if you like one of the two girls who have some ntr elements in their routes. Even then! Based on feedback, it is possible to even make these two have the 100% avoidable ntr seen in the other stuff. (I engage with everyone, mostly supporters who show the interest in the project. So before these two mentioned characters show any signs of their ntr elements seen later in their routes, I'll have voting polls to take in feedback on how to handle this directly.)

It is not my intention or wish to upset either side, those who dislike ntr completely should be able to enjoy the game completely without having to be forced into that. Those who love ntr should be able to still get their enjoyment and also enjoy the game completely in their own way. No leaning on way or the other, trying for the perfect balance for both parties to be happy. But I have to mention all of this in great detail because some people see in the "tags" information part of this patreon page that it has "100% avoidable/optional ntr" and so we get people who jump the gun because they choose not to understand what avoidable ntr means, or maybe just don't quite know and wish to learn? Etc.

(What's annoying is when you have people who either are purely trolling about it or other aspects with the game, or people who are blindly ignorance about it and no matter how much you try explaining, they won't budge. Lastly people who decide to do a mix of the two things above and when you corner them with facts, they admit to not even playing the game and they're assuming on top of everything else.)  

Anyways, I wanted to be 100% open and honest, clear about the ntr aspect with this game. Because we continue gaining support and that's very awesome! But I don't wish for new supporters to come along and get excited, then they read non sense from trolls and take it as fact by mistake. So thank you to all the new supporters and those of you supporters who have been around for the last few months, you guys are the reason we can continue adding new art to the game, along with other features that our small team doesn't cover in our skill list. Truly thank you! <3

Moving on, I'd like to mention that we're looking into patreon supporting tiers. The targeted support tier being the $10 one. I've noticed that the only perk for you $10 supporters right now is god mode. Which the game will offer still as things pick up speed again and unlockable content/scenes based on affection show up again. But right now the team has to ask itself, what can you $10 supporters receive that feels worth it? The idea floating around right now is to offer $10 supporters new updates 1 week before $1 and $5 supporters are able to receive them.

While I will admit it might be considered an okay reward, one that hopefully wouldn't make those of you under $10 supporters, feel cheated or that it's unfair. That of course is not our intention! We will most likely do a voting poll soon that has a few ideas for added rewards for you $10 supporters that feels worth the extra $5 you guys pay monthly for. We will also lightly look at the $25 support tier and keep it at that price, but maybe offer something tiny along with your own OC character made for the game.

Moving on, we're looking to have day 6 written and have the behind the scenes post about it this weekend. Then roughly from the 20th towards the end of the month, I'll be doing the engine side work for days 3, 4, 5 & 6 being added. The update 0.07 is targeted for Jan 30th. There will be a post before the release date that lists everything new being added in the update compared to the demo. ^^

I think that's all to mention for now! I hope you all look forward to everything and hopefully this post has cleared up any doubts about the ntr elements. Thank you all! <3


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