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Aside from a early black and white sketch seen before! Here's our first look at Juliet in her diaper! ^^

The choice for her having blue floral designs came from the idea of her being royalty and felt fitting for her character. She ended up looking very cute and there was some character design changing behind the scenes for her.

She went through some visual changes, personality changes and once everything settled. We got how she comes off in day 2 section 2 for her character, but now soon we'll see how she visually comes off in that section! ^^ (it is possible she might not have her sprite in the update for Jan, based on priority of content for the update. We'll try our best regardless in getting her added in! <3 )

Be on the look out for more previews for Juliet coming soon! Along with behind the scenes for days 5 & 6 and a little hush, hush preview of something to do with Heather. (don't worry too much :P ) gui preview mock up coming early this week! ^^



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