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So a few weeks back, we had our first $25 tier supporter. ^^ This was very awesome to see, because for that tier. You get to fill out a OC character request, your character is limited to one outfit and a few basic emotes. Your character will 100% be seen in the game at least once at a fitting section to show up in, for this character here. She should fit in perfectly within week 2 or 3 of the game during club focus stuff happening. It's not limited to just seeing your character show up only once, it can be twice or more. But just mentioning at least once for sure, in the event we have too many oc characters to fit in at spots.

I do think their OC character came out pretty nicely and it seems they're happy about her too. I hope we continue to see more $25 tier supporters in the future!

(In order to get your oc character done, you're only required to pay $25 one time. Even if we're in the process of working on the sprite and your initial month paid for at that tier ends. It doesn't matter if you choose to stop supporting in general, you're character will be completed regardless and put into the game. ^^ )

(Some requests for characters will be kindly turned down if they don't fit for the game's theme. An example of this would be for instance, a furry character wouldn't fit for the game's setting. As of right now the only oc characters allowed are female students or teacher characters male or female. Male students could be an possibility with future content after the base game is completed.)



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