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Before I begin with this post. I'd like to mention that it does contains spoiling of events for the third day of the re-imagined chapter 1 turned into days. There is new events added and choices being added to these days. You have been warned! Only read if you don't mind spoiling the test for day 3 in a summary.

Day 3 - Section 1 (A new terror.) (Heather intro)

On the way to class, Brandon is walking with Erika who decides to tease him and annoy him. She does this by farting and holding on to his arm, forcing him to suffer. Other students nearby look disgusted, as Erika is happy from successfully embarrassing him. This is short lived though when a girl named Heather stops them and begins to bully Erika. Between some back and forth, Erika steps up to save Brandon by pushing her. This only pisses Heather off and she begins to charge towards Erika, who ends up scared and ends up making a mess in her diaper. Erika thinks she's safe, but Heather gives her a diaper wedgie until Brandon steps in to help her. All this leads to Heather pulling him away with her into a nearby room and locking the door, she begins to oddly rub Brandon's crotch and based on choices you can allow it or not. She mentions that you belong to her as a servant and after some further discussion, she leaves the room as the bell rings.

Day 3 - Section 2 (shy girls need friends too) (Rachel intro)

Brandon is in class, behind Erika who reminds him how stinky she is and we learn that the class has a reading assignment. But Brandon is requested by John to pair up with a girl named Rachel who sits in the back of the class, almost like she's hidden away out of sight. She's a very timid and shy girl who has trouble making friends or communicating even, with some time Brandon is able to help her open up enough to have her chat with him about her interests and hobbies, but while trying to grab her plushie to show you. She farts and we learn that she has a condition that makes her not able to control it, followed by learning more about her until class ends.  

Day 3 - Section 3 (panties vs diapers?) (Zoey intro)

Later in the day, Brandon is roaming around the halls and notices a cute girl looking around nervously as she exits the locker room. He's curious and tries to catch up to her and notices the back of her skirt is tucked into the back of her diaper by accident, trying to follow her. He turns a corner and another girl is bullying and being mean to Zoey, who seems a bit slow natured and not too bright. This girl mentions to her that she's no her friend and labels it out for Brandon that this girl is being really mean and just bullying Zoey. After this girl leaves, Brandon tries to figure more out about Zoey and helps her with her skirt issue. He learns that things aren't quite right with this girl, that she's kind of childish and acts like an airhead. With quite a bit of discussion with her and getting a better idea of her, Brandon decides to be her friend and show her how friends should act.

Behind the scenes notes
*Heather's section was really fun to write for, because her old intro didn't seem like it'd fit in the new direction. But you still get the sense that she's a bully and very mean, I really enjoyed replacing Miki with Erika. It gives it a new feeling to show that even Erika isn't safe from her bullying.
*Rachel's section didn't really require anything new added, as I was pretty happy in general with how she was introduced before. Some minor things added and introduced for her section, but I think her section has been the least untouched of them all so far!
*Rachel's uncontrollable farting issue is something that many might not find good, but when I came up with her character. It was meant to be seen as a cute factor and almost like a tick that actives when she's nervous or scared, etc.
*Zoey's intro and section in general was very tough to write, it took quite a lot longer than I had thought it would. The first draft and original idea for her character in general is that she was in a coma since the age of 12, but physically she's 18. She would've had the mental mind of a 12 year old but of course this was going to be very hard to handle for her character in this sort of game. Because physically she'd be an adult, but mentally she would've been a kid in a sense. This isn't to mention that I had a lot of trouble trying to write up and consider how to factor how her coma would affect her, would she remember this or that, if she knows this... Won't that mean X doesn't make sense, etc. So I went with a new direction for her character that I feel can still be very fitting and interesting, she's consider "slow" or "stupid/airhead" etc. Which is like how Miki has her autism quirk, it isn't meant to make fun of people with conditions. More that it helps show the issues they face in life and how they over come them, just because they're different in some ways doesn't change that they're still people with emotions and wants in life, etc.
*I think of the three sections for this day, section 1 is my favorite. But that's only because of the new writing and how I personally had a lot of fun with it. There's times where I struggle with the writing for sections, having to stop and think and make a draft to come back to later to finalize it. This section was all done in one sitting from point A to B without really having to stop and think "what should happen next, etc." which is really fun and hard to stop writing once you're in that mind set.
*Zoey has had a lot of ideas in mind for her before we even see her show up, the coma idea in mind being the very first planned stages of her character. I even considered the thought of having her have a disability of some sort like being blind, but decided against it for how to write for her character with that in mind.   

(Be on the look out for behind the scenes day 4 soon enough!)


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