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This post is public to help explain things.

I just wanted to make it open that the plan for this month is to release a small demo of the game with it's new direction. I'd like to call it a reboot in a sense, but it's still keeping much of what is seen in the current game. I've went over what the new direction for the game covers in the past. (can find it here! ^^ ) https://www.patreon.com/posts/messy-academy-32167793

It's a long read, but worth it. While some of those details have been slightly updated through the month. The base ideas are set in stone and moving forward and we're excited to present how the ideal vision of the game is meant to play out. ^^

I'd like to also mention that I've had some comments before that the game doesn't really have much game play. While it is a visual novel, I understand this is very important as well. There will be more choices that aren't purely linked to building affection, things that change outcomes for sections, different events to play out, etc. (more than just two dialogue choices too :P ) Considering each day in the game has 3 "sections" each section has at least a moment of choice always! ^^

Okay, I'm getting off track! >.< The meaning of this update post is that we're reaching the end of December soon and with that the end of a decade. I'd like to release a demo showcasing the first two days that gives a good idea of the new direction for the game. But do keep in mind, sexual and erotic stuff will come quicker to the game than seen before. It won't happen right away either, it'll be a steady flow leading into more extreme stuff.

So this demo will be aimed to release on the 31st! This is for supporters first, after two weeks from the date uploaded. It will become public for everyone to get a good idea of the new direction and help decide if supporting us is your personal good idea or not. Of course the project will need to continue getting support to fully complete things on the art side quicker, we also understand the game might not be for some. Then following the demo being open to the public, the current downloads for 0.05 and 0.06 will be gone for good. 0.07 will aim to release with up to days 8-10+ by the end of Jan for supporters.

0.07 marks a new way of things, not only for the game. But also how we will do updates.. Sadly starting with 0.07 updates will become once per month moving forward. I feel this shouldn't change how much content supporters receive each month in size, but it would allow for more polishing to be done for the updates. (less bugs, smoother updates, less headaches.) But considering to those who have been supporting us for a while now, I know that the holidays and this "reboot" has been a bit bumpy for lack of updates in Dec.

This is why I must give you all the demo before the end of this month! ^^ Regardless if you choose to continue supporting once payments come in for the start of January. You deserve to at least see how things are going ahead of time and decide on your own if it's worth supporting us moving into January for the big 0.07 update. Whatever you all choose to do, I truly understand and we hope to continue giving wonderful updates and showing behind the scenes on how things are coming along! ^^ All support really does help <3

One final note.. It'll be a hard choice, but I am the director/programmer for the series and in fact wrote for the game in it's early stages. The writing for the first 10+ days of content is coming from me as our writer, with our previous writer Uncle Artie as editor. I will be stepping up to take on the writer title with the previous duties, which also factors into the whole one update per month deal. But Ideally my rough goal is to do 5+ days of new content per month. This could be more or slightly less, but keep in mind each day is roughly on average sitting around 7000-9000 word count range currently.

Sorry for the big long post! >.< I hope you all look forward to the new year and hope to see familiar faces stick around into January and well into the future for the project! <3 Thank you all for not only our supporters, but those who choose to mention us to others in the communities, cheer us on in the background, etc. You guys are all awesome!  


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