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Before I begin with this post. I'd like to mention right now that it  contains spoiling of events for the second day of the re-imagined Chapter  1 turned into Days. (rest of chapter 1 being in the next following days  to be worked on.) There is new events added and choices being added to  these days.. So let's get into it. You have been warned! Only read if  you don't mind spoiling the text for Day 2 in a summary.

Day 2 - Section 1 (Miki & Diaper training room?)

Early before classes begin, Brandon hears a loud crash from a nearby room. Checking it out leads him to find Miki who is trying to grab some diapers. Brandon is curious about the theme for the room she's in or the purpose of it. She explains how the diaper training for the academy works, each student has custom diapers fit for each student, etc. We also learn that Miki may have had an accident with her diaper before Brandon showed up, some dialogue about it. She is worried that because of it, students will make fun of her yet again. After trying to cheer her up, she learns that you aren't the only boy who transferred here. This leads to to talk about checking out their diapers, leading her to try pulling Brandon's pants down and failing. Their fun ends soon as the bell rings.

Day 2 - Section 2 (Princess?!)

Begins with Brandon sitting down, Miki next to him and a few students can smell Miki. But she's too busy smiling at Brandon to notice them. John goes over the focus for today's class, mentioning it's a project that requires groups of two. We learn that it's a perverted idea of John's to have students dress up like cat girls and get photos of them to be graded. This leads to Juliet introducing herself that she's his partner for the project. With quite a bit of back and forth dialogue, we learn that she doesn't actually have any friends at the academy. This is because she's a well known princess of a royal family, students feel they don't compare to her and can't be friends with her, etc. Brandon sees that she's actually not stuck up and considers everyone pretty equal, choosing to befriend her. John has to warn them to get started on the project, which has Juliet dressing up like a cat girl. She needs help attaching the tail, making Brandon require lifting the back of her skirt and placing one end of it into her diapered waist. After getting fully ready, he is tasked with taking pictures of her in cute poses and after being able to decide on perfect photos. John mentions that it's nearly end of class, forcing them to stop and Juliet warns him about John briefly. The two pick up earlier chats and gives us insight on her hobbies/interests, before class ends.

Day 2 - Section 3 (Does this door lead to swimming pool or locker room?)

We begin with Miki finding Brandon in the hall, promising to show him the pool. Which has her lead him into the locker room by accident? Where he is face to face with Nova half dressed, for the most part this plays out closely to how it's seen in game. Just add some new dialogue added, expanded scene play, etc. During their time in the locker room, Miki is bored while they discuss sport related topics and interrupts them when finding a pair of panties? Why are those here at a diaper focused school.. Getting back on track on discussion with Nova, while Miki continues searching around. We learn more about Nova early on and soon enough, the three end up going to the pool. There's new dialogue and scene play going on, but the pool is nearly the same as how it's seen in game currently. The section ends with Miki reminding Brandon that the nurse's office is closing in less than 5 minutes, as the two rush off and he has some thoughts about Nova.

Behind the scenes notes
*Juliet and Nova's sections ended up roughly around 2000-2500 word count each.. While writing it got out of hand, but I consider it a good thing too!
*Juliet's section was really fun to write for, seeing how Juliet in game currently we don't get a good impression of her. Where in this case, we get a very good idea of her character.
*The idea behind Juliet being a princess has some major spoilers in the story and I can't touch on. Just be mindful of hints related to her dialogue at times through the game.
*Ideally Nova's locker room and pool section from the existing content in game currently was already plenty word count, but it felt a bit rushed in it's pacing. After it was fixed up we lead to roughly 2500 word count... o.O
*One issue we were afraid of with Nova's intro is that Miki is also around. Trying not to forget about her, but also not have her steal the spotlight for a new character being introduced. It's very easy to lose track of letting Miki get too much in the way with other character's scenes.
*I wanted to have Miki's messy diaper actually happen during her chat with Brandon, but decided against it. Making it so it happened off screen before he showed up, in order to not completely pull their dialogue focus away and felt more fitting with the scene to have it already happen before he got there.

(I hope you all enjoy these behind the scene posts and these added notes that I feel is kind of fun to see. ^^)

Happy Christmas Eve & (later) Day! Happy Holidays everyone! <3


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