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Just to touch briefly on the voting poll for Erika. I was a bit shocked to see how evenly split the options were. o.O

Of course ideally what I'd consider canon for the series is that Erika is blood related. But I want both parties to be happy and surely not trying to upset a even split opinion on it to one side or the other. So! The game with it's "reboot" (in a sense) will be featuring the option at the start of a new game. It'll ask you if you enjoy one choice or the other, which will affect pieces of dialogue and tone related to Erika. She will have a general "She's your sister" in mentions, but it'll be setup so that anything that digs deeper into her relationship (mostly within her girlfriend route). It will change how her dialogue/tone feels like and aim to target making one choice appeal to those who like blood related sibling and one that targets those who dislike that, in favor for step sister feel/tone.

It's a bit hard to explain in text, but hopefully we can give more visual previews of how this will look as it's pieced together. ^^ We're still doing some adjustments behind the scenes and I intend on sharing another behind the scenes news post this week to let everyone know exactly how things are looking a bit more in depth compared to the last post in this regard.

Be on the look out for that! Also look out for our first look at Nova's sprite this week! <3


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