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Hi everyone! I try to keep a lot of content targeted for those who have been wonderful and awesome sharing their support with the project. But I have so rather sad and yet big news for the series that I feel is only right to share with everyone on the public basis to  be fully 100% honest and open about it. So.. Let's get started.

The first bit of news is that our writer Uncle Artie, has sadly stepped down from the project and without trying to speak for him. It comes down to, that with the direction that the game will be heading and it's focus ideals. He decided that it might be best that he steps down in order to not hurt this focus or ideal, which I'm saddened about. But we're talking and it's still in the works right now.. But the idea is that he'd be the editor (help beefing up dialogue, keep things consistent in it's pacing.) Example being.. *club room hangout* leads to *sporting event* leads to *sex acts/porn diaper focus, etc.* With the new writer doing the big writing of stuff through chapters and free days. It'll be a bit of getting used to a new team member, but we're hopeful that our direction for the series will be good for everyone.

Now we need to talk direction and focus for the series.. The game has a clear goal of 60/40 ratio. 60% diapered, sex acts/porn focus. 40% slice of life/school life, character building. What about the mystery? Well.. the mystery aspect will still be there a little, but not a big complex over arching plot. We'll still have a general focus plot that pops up through the game, leading to it's climax. But it won't be the major draw into the game. Instead focusing more on the slice of life/school life and these characters days there. (we'll still learn who's running the academy and see how things play out at the end. Just not really focused and it'll play out more by just popping up naturally from general school life.)

What does all this mean exactly for the project? Well.. Sadly with the nature of things that's going on. It will halt the next update (0.07) and it sucks that it's during a very busy season of the year. But the idea is to halt on any game updates for now and aim for having 0.07 release by mid Jan/late Jan is the target. The game will still be open for download and playing in it's current state. But during this halt in updates, we'll still be working on art for the game and showing off previews of new character art and CG scenes, etc. This also means that 0.07 will be a massive update when it does happen.. Not only with character art, CG scenes. But the game will receive adjustments to it's current state..

Adjustments?! Yes.. So of course with this 60/40 ratio ideal focus. It does mean that things in the game's current state need to be adjusted and changed. We're still going to have the same layout system in mind with Chapters and free days. None of that is changing, most of the stuff leading to where the current game is at will play out still the same. It's that we'll see more diapers and sex acts showing up through the game leading to it's current update. One big change to the game will be that free days are affected by the school's diapered rule. Meaning say bye bye to your panties girls! You're all diapered 24/7 and restrooms are off limits to students. Being a diaper focused game in it's sexual kink/fetish nature, it only makes sense that they should be diapered all the time with this rule. Regardless if it's a off day from school classes or not. This change will help make more sense for natural accidents and even forced accidents popping up into the game, as each girl regardless if they dislike it or not. They will have no choice when the time comes to use them.

So.. The plan during this halt in updates with the above mentioned. Is to start going through chapter 1 and see what needs adjusted to meet this 60/40 ratio, while chapter 1 acts as the intro to the main girls. There's a little bit of wiggle room I can see for some more erotic stuff to pop up naturally. 1st free day next, diapers being a big change and some room for showing a bit more erotic/sexual stuff show up a bit more in this area of the game. Then chapter 2 we'll see some adjustments to show how this diapered/sex acts/porn progresses. Same for 2nd free day. I don't wish to spoil anyone on how the game progresses, but the idea behind the scenes. Is that with the current 10 chapter (9/10 free days) ideal in mind still, we're looking based off of that. Having chapter 5-6 be the point in which you choose your girlfriend. Then once you have your girlfriend, the rest of the game's free day sections become linear to act as a more traditional visual novel route with that girl. Purely focusing on them as your love interest and leading into the really extreme sex acts and porn with them. while chapters continue it's general direction of things leading to it's climax. Also each girl has their own secret fetish/kink tied into their diaper play and sex acts. Which means that the hints of these said fetish/kinks will be more well known in the adjustments to the game. (not trying to mislead anyone into stuff they dislike) While on the talk of fetish/kinks, I know that some dislike how the end of chapter 1 was handled even if it's a punishment. But these adjustments will fix that in order to actually make it avoidable! This means once you selected a girl, she will be punished but before things lead into the sex act. You can step in to stop it, or choose to sit back and enjoy if that's your thing. NTR will be fully 100% avoidable as it's a big thing people either like or dislike it. There is a character or two who have that kind of focus with their routes, but it'll be well known before that even happens. (think of how the hints of secret fetish/kinks for girls will be hinted at more clearly to swap to a different girl before getting into that fully.)

"What's all this mean for active supporters and why should I continue supporting you guys?" While we'd really need the support in funding to continue helping us grow on the art side of updates during our halt in game updates. We also understand that we'd only be showing previews of the art still and not delivering on new game updates every 2 weeks till Mid/Late Jan. I would like to firstly say.. That if you choose to support us through this halt in updates. Thank you.. I mean that very deeply and it isn't taken advanage of. My gift back to everyone for to hopefully make up for the lack of game updates in Dec and half of Jan. (about 3 updates) Is that I fully wish to offer our brand new adjusted game with it's adjusted content, new character sprites and CG scenes added in 0.07 (massive update) for free. This would change back to normal with 0.08 being patreon only for 2 weeks. But I don't feel it's right to not offer new game updates like we have and still expect our current funding for it. (if you choose to continue funding leading into the start of Jan, big massive thanks to you all. But it's not being expected.)

So.. To wrap things up and I do hope this is fully open 100% as to what's going on behind the scenes and our direction for the game. During the month of Dec and first half of Jan.. If you choose to continue supporting us in this halt of game updates till then. You can still expect to see new 2d character sprites being previewed to their fullest, new CG scenes being previewed to their fullest. We will be offering some voting polls on some of the adjustments to the current game that from voting on, will help show up for the massive update 0.07 in Jan. Along with general news updates on behind the scenes, what's being changed and adjusted to hit this 60/40 ratio ideal.

We do hope that our fans and supporters don't look at this as a major bad thing for the series or think less of us. It's not ideal but sometimes projects do run into little bumps in the road and this is just one of those bumps since the game project launched back in Sept/Oct. This isn't something we're going to make a habit of doing just to be clear, it's just one last adjusting of things to make sure the series ideal focus and direction is set on the right path for future updates.

With that, I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and I do hope our fans and supporters truly understand. We're trying our best to make this another wonderful game for the diaper community, similar to sofia's secret or diaper trap. Our game has a bigger focus on sex acts for the normal diaper fetish style game, but it should still have it's rightful fit within the community. <3



*Update* In order to also give something on top of our patreon posts mentioned above. Towards the end of this month, before patreon tries to charge anyone for Jan. We'd like to offer a sneak preview of what adjustments to the game has been made in a demo, before it's all finished by mid/late Jan. This way it gives everyone a good idea of the mentioned changes in the above post a better visual. :) I'd like to offer this demo as a exclusive first but 1 week later, let the public get a sneak preview of it too. Before it's massive update 0.07 Hope everyone is looking forward to the changes and please do keep a look out for updates on how things are progressing for these adjustments behind the scenes :P


Thanks for being open, the only thing I'd say is just be careful with making too big of a change in the direction of the game/story. It's easy to lose sight of what you're aiming for when you're trying to please everyone. I've seen a lot of games get abandoned because the game that was being made was no longer what the creators actually wanted to do (like your writer for example). I think prioritizing what you want to do first, then making room for what everyone else wants on the side is a reasonable thing to do. Of course, I'm just one person and my thoughts. With that being said, I'm looking forward to seeing what the adjustments look like.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 01:44:19 No problem! :P I don't wish to mislead anyone and stay quiet about changes of course. Sadly part of this did happen as we progressed with updates, we lost sight of the original idea, focus of the series. While that doesn't mean there's going to be really massive overhaul for the game. There will be some changing of things to meet that ideal set in mind, which we hope to share with everyone leading up to the 0.07 massive update in mid/late Jan. The last thing I want is to see the project be abandoned, so all the groundwork has been laid out up front behind the scenes, in terms of the whole 60/40 ratio ideal. Along with everything else needed to be addressed. Hopefully with that in mind, there is some good changes coming within the adjustments to the game moving forward. So I do hope everyone looks forward to the behind the scenes posts that will pop up to let everyone know what's going on exactly on our end as progress begins further along. :) Thank you for the wonderful words! &lt;3
2019-12-09 17:52:55 No problem! :P I don't wish to mislead anyone and stay quiet about changes of course. Sadly part of this did happen as we progressed with updates, we lost sight of the original idea, focus of the series. While that doesn't mean there's going to be really massive overhaul for the game. There will be some changing of things to meet that ideal set in mind, which we hope to share with everyone leading up to the 0.07 massive update in mid/late Jan. The last thing I want is to see the project be abandoned, so all the groundwork has been laid out up front behind the scenes, in terms of the whole 60/40 ratio ideal. Along with everything else needed to be addressed. Hopefully with that in mind, there is some good changes coming within the adjustments to the game moving forward. So I do hope everyone looks forward to the behind the scenes posts that will pop up to let everyone know what's going on exactly on our end as progress begins further along. :) Thank you for the wonderful words! <3

No problem! :P I don't wish to mislead anyone and stay quiet about changes of course. Sadly part of this did happen as we progressed with updates, we lost sight of the original idea, focus of the series. While that doesn't mean there's going to be really massive overhaul for the game. There will be some changing of things to meet that ideal set in mind, which we hope to share with everyone leading up to the 0.07 massive update in mid/late Jan. The last thing I want is to see the project be abandoned, so all the groundwork has been laid out up front behind the scenes, in terms of the whole 60/40 ratio ideal. Along with everything else needed to be addressed. Hopefully with that in mind, there is some good changes coming within the adjustments to the game moving forward. So I do hope everyone looks forward to the behind the scenes posts that will pop up to let everyone know what's going on exactly on our end as progress begins further along. :) Thank you for the wonderful words! <3