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I've received some feedback after a while of the Mac version for the game, which makes me think that version isn't working for people and I believe I know why. It seems that the game engine I'm working with might not let me export it as a Mac os version while I'm running off of a Windows pc. If this is the case, I sadly will have to discontinue support for the Mac version of the game. But if anyone who does have a Mac and would like to test it out, it would really help in letting me know if there's a real issue or not with it.

Otherwise, the back up plan to help support those who run Mac os or other systems. We're going to aim to have a link on the patreon page where the normal downloads are updated every 2 weeks. That will include two links to the web browser version of the game on what we believe is the most user friendly sites without trying to worry about ad pop ups or anything in that nature. It's suggested to always use adblock extension just to be safe with certain sites, but we try our best to make sure any hosting sites we use won't infect anyone with viruses, etc.

So I just wanted to update anyone wondering about the Mac version and if you guys notice it gone by the next update. You'll know why, but we'll have links to the browser support version of the game. Sadly this will be supported for the public builds for now, but we wish to find a way to host the patreon browser builds in a way that only unlocks with the password needed to access it. Just a quick update on that, hope everyone is having a good week so far! :)



Just a quick update on this! It seems that it's possible to continue support for Mac users, I'll put a little guide together for how to handle it. Before the 0.06 update on Dec 1st. :)