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So one quick poll before 0.05 releases in the coming days! Wanted to ask everyone, even non supporters for this poll.

Do you guys enjoy seeing the 3d placeholder CG scenes? Or would you not mind if they weren't added to new releases, rather just have nothing but a generic placeholder screen that pops up in their place till the 2d CG scenes take it's spot?

I ask because while I can continue doing the 3d placeholders for these scenes, it does take some time to do and I'm a bit limited on what can be matched up to the text/dialogue. I wanted to know how everyone feels about this though before taking away these placeholders for future builds, as I'm sure some would enjoy at least seeing something there instead of a generic placeholder screen in it's place for these scenes.

Let me know below! :) Feel free to comment as well if you wish about concerns.



Speaking personally, I voted for the generic placeholder screen while the 2d assets get introduced over time. Spending extra time and resources on placeholder scenes that are eventually just going to be replaced entirely by the new art direction that the game is moving towards seems to me like it would just be cutting into genuine progress you could otherwise be making in more solidified areas of the game. People may think they want the 3d placeholder visuals now, but it would mean smaller content updates and a longer development time of key features as a result of spending more time on something that isn't going to be in the later versions of the game at all. At least that's my opinion on this situation anyway.


Thanks for the insight! :) This is partly my thoughts on the subject. That it does take some time to get these 3d placeholder scenes put together, while not a whole lot of time. It does take some time away from the programming aspects, as from the team. It's my duty in handling the 3d stuff. At the end of the day I can see the pros and cons to both sides and if I have to continue with the 3d placeholder stuff, I'll do it still. It's just going to become less exact time spent as our 2d focus tries to kick into gear and replace these. :) Thanks again for your insight and view on the matter!


Generic screens would certainly make programming and writing faster, but one thing to keep in mind is that if someone tries the game and just see a bunch of place holder screens, it's unlikely in my opinion that they'll decide to spend money to improve it, they'll just move on. I would say continuing with the 3d scenes is the wiser course of action until there are a decent chunk of 2d replacement scenes in a public build. The reason being that people just passing by the game need something to give them a sense for what the game is going to offer, generic placeholders turn people off because it just makes it feel like there's nothing really there. Speaking for myself, the 3d cg scenes are what got me to put down $5 to see more. Now that I do see the 2d replacements I like them. But if it weren't for what I got to see in the public build then I wouldn't have gone this far.

MessyAcademy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 01:48:10 I have considered everyone's thoughts on the matter and even though it's a tie breaker between the two, I think the best course of action will be continuing to do actual 3d placeholders for a while till we have more 2d scenes in their place. Now as a heads up, build_0.05 is going to release tonight with generic placeholder screens. But I'll be adding in a hotfix update the next day with 3d placeholders and let it be known in a post once this hotfix is live. (sorry for any problems this may cause in the mean time >.<)
2019-11-17 22:06:30 I have considered everyone's thoughts on the matter and even though it's a tie breaker between the two, I think the best course of action will be continuing to do actual 3d placeholders for a while till we have more 2d scenes in their place. Now as a heads up, build_0.05 is going to release tonight with generic placeholder screens. But I'll be adding in a hotfix update the next day with 3d placeholders and let it be known in a post once this hotfix is live. (sorry for any problems this may cause in the mean time >.<)

I have considered everyone's thoughts on the matter and even though it's a tie breaker between the two, I think the best course of action will be continuing to do actual 3d placeholders for a while till we have more 2d scenes in their place. Now as a heads up, build_0.05 is going to release tonight with generic placeholder screens. But I'll be adding in a hotfix update the next day with 3d placeholders and let it be known in a post once this hotfix is live. (sorry for any problems this may cause in the mean time >.<)


Why is the NTR tag before even the Male Protagonist tag? Is this just a NTR game?


Sorry for the late reply. The tags are in no certain order, just laid out randomly to warn everyone that there will be some form of a select tag. Of course things that say optional are and will try to stay purely optional, in the hardcore sense as something like NTR is clearly a big split between people. So ideally the game will offer it, but you can avoid those situations completely. Hopefully this answers your question! :)