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I'm sure everyone has been wondering what we've been up to with the next release and what to expect with it. So let's jump right into it! :)

It's been a busy week since Build_0.04 released, me and Uncle have been working together very hard in order to make sure the big choice focus section (the exam) is looking good. It's been a lot of work for us to put it together and to give everyone a good idea for scale.. I can't recall how many words are in chapter 1's punishment section. But this is easily 4x that size and even saying that doesn't sound right.. Needless to say. It's going to be massive!

We're still in the process of wrapping up that section currently on the written side of things. With two sections left to do after the exam still. Now for a little bit of a spoiler for the exam, skip to under the line area of this post to skip spoilers.

The exam will offer players three major choices, because two girls will be paired together in each group. We're going to see some forced fun interactions between these groups and some good differences between them for when you replay through again. Once picked the player will be joining selected group to help them and have them help him too. During the time you help these girls, you'll be given choices on how to interact with them directly. These choices will have a bit of a different reaction from them overall and after the testing has come to an end. You will get one last choice which is a three option one on how to proceed with diaper changes.. :P It'll be fun to see how you guys choose these choices and it'll be clear that some choices might not be a good idea for some with certain issues regarding a teacher.

Safe from spoilers.

Moving on, with the programming side of things. I've been sick this past Thursday continuing even to now with a seasonal cold. But even that hasn't slowed me down too much. I've put a lot of my focus in slowly playing through from the start of the game, leading all the way up to where the recent build ended. Carefully fixing minor visual issues, text problems with displaying. The big thing is that I hammered out at least over 10+ bugs and issues, I'd like to assume that I completely made the game 99.5% bug free once build_0.05 releases now. But we shall see! That way there shouldn't be any issues that you guys come across and need to avoid or go around, etc. This is good if done as I had hoped, for it'll allow me to stay focused moving forward with not having to focus too much on previous areas of the game to fix things. (less there is something to fix)

This gives me more time to focus on adding more programming features and functions into the game again starting after 0.05 releases. :)

On the art side of our team, we're seeing some really good progress with Erika and I still can't say she will make it in 0.05.. But it's a good bet that she should be in 0.06 release. For those worried about the body types for the characters seen so far, I'd like to assure you all that Miki & Erika are on the skinny/average, shorter and less busty side of the characters. Other characters are taller, with some curves to them and more busty.

Still waiting to see if the 1st CG scene will be added this coming build, but look out for a early sketch preview of this scene showing up later today! (keep in mind it's subject to change before final) I'd also like to add that, thanks to our support this month so far. While we're a little under our $150 goal to add further CG scenes, I'm happy to at least mention that our 2nd CG scene has the funds ready for it regardless of that $150 goal. :) The pace of CG scenes being added and how many will fall back on the monthly goals laid out for the patreon page, which is the bare minimum for us to do these. But hopefully we'll see more support through November and in December so that we can continue with the CG scenes at a slow, steady pace for now.

Aside from that, I wish that I had more to share. But for those who prefer the free day sections compared to main story will be happy to know that the 2nd free day will be our focus after 0.05 releases! Our aim is to focus on two characters (morning, noon and afternoon), along with our art and programming features being added. But to make up for the less completed free day choices in the builds, we're going to be making sure with the time we have spent on the focused characters, that they get the love they deserve for their choices and rewards from it, etc. As to which characters will get priority over others for who we focus on first, is up to the demand we're looking at on our voting polls. Currently we're seeing Miki and Nova as the top ones. (to vote on this, there's a link to the post on the front page for this patreon. Unlimited voting to choose any many characters you like.)

With that.. I hope everyone has a quick and good week coming up! It'll be busy for us and we hope to not have any delays on our release! :)  


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