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Okay.. So it's a little over due by now. I'm sure you're all wondering what's next on our list and I'm going to touch on some of the content we're 100% going to have in this next coming build. :)

Starting off, we're aiming to have the rest of chapter 2 fully complete. Along with this.. To lightly touch up on the subject of how our releases might look going forward.. Should be (half of chapter X content, finish chapter X content, next free day with 2-3 girls in it, finish next free day, next  half chapter, repeat.)

This is in order for us to progress the game in order and put good focus on our story, dialogue, scenes, etc.

Moving on, chapter 2 will have us left off from leaving the Cosplay club. We're going to see Brandon with yet another branching choice to split the focus before leading into the diaper exam! Then some events after all that before the chapter is over. (more details on these sections to come!)

Let's focus on the diaper exam, the major choice section of chapter 2. It'll act similar to how chapter 1 had it's choice.. But on a much more massive scale. Imagine, choosing one of three options. Which then lead you to events that open up two choices and then offer choices on top of that.. All leading towards the final choices that affect out comes. If I had to put it up to chapter 1's big choice for scale.. This is at least 3 times bigger if not more! (that is no joke!) Also for anyone who disliked chapter 1's choice not really being rewarding towards the player.. I'm happy to let you all know that these choices are meant to purely impact and affect you, not feeling punished for the choice made leading into everything.

There will still be a optional choice that might pop up for this section that could be similar to chapter 1, but I'm sure this choice will be kind of clear to players by now. (which is why chapter 1 plays out how it does in it's choice, to warn players for the future.)

In other news! I hope people are liking their first preview of Erika's 2d sprite. :) We're unsure if she will make it in this build, but we're very happy with what progress has been made with her so far! If she doesn't make it into this build, the next one for sure should have her!

On one last quick note, our CG scene artist is working away on the first CG scene to be added to the game. Which is during chapter 1 when you choose Nova for punishment. We can't confirm if it'll be ready for this build, but we're crossing our fingers! (this will be known ahead of time)

One final, final note.. Moving forward, we're going to start slowly replacing 3d placeholder CG scenes from being added to the game. Instead putting a new placeholder scene of 2d miki's face in their place. We're going to try moving our focus of the 3d stuff in general away, as more 2d art is added. But worry not.. The major choice sections will try to continue with the 3d placeholder scenes for the time being to give a slight idea of how certain scenes could look when made into 2d. Hopefully this isn't a big issue, as I'd like to take feedback on this moving forward before excluding a lot of new placeholder scenes.

Thank you all for the continued support into November! I do hope our team continues to improve and supply new fun content for everyone as the month goes on. :)


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