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WARNING: this post might contain some spoilers for story elements, if you wish for it to be a surprise. I suggest you hold off and wait till the release on Nov 3rd!

This is a new kind of post I'll be trying out for supporters, that goes over some details on upcoming story, events and elements that will be showing up. So it's a bit of spoiling for those who don't wish to know these details, but I know there's some people out there who enjoy some behind the scenes with story. Let's begin..

So I believe I've lightly went over some changes to chapter 1 and story elements in a previous news post. But come Nov 3rd, when build_0.03 becomes public. That build and build_0.04 will have some more added details for chapter 1. These changes touch up on some issues and concerns about any underage implying happening with the game, like making sure it's well known in the dialogue that this isn't a high school. It's an academy, meant to be seen as a small private college/university. So there's some dialogue that makes it perfectly clear from the start about this.

The next concern is about some slightly rapey in nature content, this is a bit of a big spoiler for part of the story in the game. But touching on it lightly.. During chapter 1, there will be a few moments of new dialogue added that gives some good hints at what's going on. But it'll require you to really pay attention, as things will still unfold during the following chapters. Any scenes that feel non consensual aren't meant to come off like that, but after these changes. If it still feels that way for you, there isn't much else to be done about this. At that point it's part of the game's story elements and it'll be learnt as more of the game is done. Just pay attention to the story and you'll notice some stuff going on. :P

Lastly for chapter 1 stuff, I'd like to announce that the scat room that briefly is hinted at will be removed from the game completely. This element was planned at the starting phase of the game and would've mostly only showed up during free days as a optional thing. But as we went through the story and put things together, we've realized that it just doesn't have any room to be in the game. This change will be in both build_0.03 and build_0.04 come Nov 3rd. (free day map will have the room's name removed from list of locations too)

Finally! Getting into chapter 2 stuff. In terms of game play, we wanted chapter 1 to stay kind of linear, as it's meant to be the introduction to these girls. Letting the player hop around all over the play on his first day I feel might get him in some deep trouble with John! But with chapter 2, we're introducing 2 branching paths between the main story route. These will act as character building and offer some different choices on how to go about the chapter. We're only going to get more complex with routes and choices, moving forward and begin introducing new stats that are hidden that will have major impacts on future areas of the game.

Let's take a very early look at one of these branching paths, shall we? So the player might be in the main class and afterwards. We have Erika who wants to show you around and lead you to her club for some focus on her, before moving back onto the main story path. Or you might have Nathan and Joey who want to look around for clubs that they like, leading them to find Bridget and watch some character building with everyone there, before leading back to the main story path again. These choices are kind of new in their nature right now, so we'd love to hear feedback about them and see what can be done.

Briefly touching on the story for chapter 2, the theme focus on this chapter is hinted at by the end of chapter 1 and during some free day scenarios. The big testing day, which shows us the characters life's at the school and see these characters meet each other. There isn't just testing for the whole chapter though! As another focus point is finding a club to join and seeing some of the clubs a few characters are in. Perhaps meeting a new character at one of these clubs? ;) (don't worry, there's a major event similar to chapter 1's big choice.)

Let's lightly touch on chapter 2's big choice.. While I really don't want to spoil it, as it's pretty easy to tell what it'll be about by reading dialogue leading up to it. Compared to how chapter 1 was more of a punishment choice, where the player choose a girl to be punished and losses affection with them from it. This choice will act differently.. First off, there will be a couple split choices through the whole thing. Not just one choice and watch things play out, each choice will offer affection with certain girls and lose some with others. This will also introduce a new hidden stat based on one of the choices, that will affect future events.

So you'll be happy to know that chapter 2's main event area doesn't feel like a punishment for the player or towards a girl. In less you want it to be? ;)

That's all the time I have right now! But it gives some good in sight on what's to come soon! Please do let me know if you guys enjoy this style of news posts for spoilers and if there's anything you'd like to see included in them, focused on more? Thank you all for being awesome, have a good day! :)


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