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Hey lads!

I need to admit it, I am excited as hell, but at the same time I haven't stressed so much during my school exams, my wedding or even my surgery, as I am stressing right now with the official game release. Will people love it? Will they hate it? Will they ask me to marry their daughters or send me death threats? I have no clue, but I've put years of work into this project, literally my heart & soul, so I hope it will be at least considered fun to play and above average. Whether it will be an utter failure like the Unaware of the World game, or a success, I want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, who supported me. Without you this game would never come out, so wholeheartedly THANK YOU!

Obviously, game is far from finished, it has its issues and bugs, so I'm gonna continue working on it! As always, all the critics are more than welcome!

Unaware in The City is officially released!





Game is great. Some scenes, the penis doesn't align with the main character's mouth or vagina and it looks very jarring, this is even with the random NPC size turned off, but I am sure this is an easy fix, other than that, great work and I am looking forward to seeing more.


I was also wondering, is it possible to work at the Kinky Nymph yet, or has this feature not been implemented yet? I have done the briefcase event but I am not sure what to do now, I am waiting for a messenger from Jack but I can't seem to get the event to trigger.

Mr. Unaware

I have hundreds of animation files, and hate to re-make them all after art update, and some got overlooked or need to be done from scratch, but yeah, at some point I'll fix them all. Cheers!

Mr. Unaware

You can work at Kinky Nymph. Keep in mind you can't buy license from Katherine, as it will block you from working at the brothel, but allow you to work on the streets. If you have to wait for messenger, just try going to the hall in your flat while dressed once every day and it should trigger within few days.