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really need the Dolphins to beat the fucking Cowboys this weekend, let's get a rally going folks


Erin Tavano

Hey i know you don't care but I've been a patron for years and bought two topics so here it is anyway. What you said about that guy at the gym fucking sucks. You want your daughters to go to a place where some asshole man is yelling "shut up bitch" in their faces over and over? You want them to think that's a normal thing for a man to say? Why did he say bitch and not some male thing? Yeah maybe he was saying it "to himself" and maybe the poster was a little over the top but this shit gets excused all the time. Fuck that guy and fuck you.


And to make it worse the dude was probably big and stupid

Benjamin Murdy

comments like the one up top typically hint at great episodes and this did not disappoint