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Are you Team Jacob? Team Edward? Or maybe just Team Bad Posts, which is what we are, as we have dedicated a not-insignificant portion of our lives to bringing bad posts to you, our wonderful fans. Speaking of wonderful fans, the show "Twilight" is known for famously not having them! You can hear from some of these deranged weirdos by listening to the episode this week! Hey let's give a big ole "thanks" to TJ for selecting this week's topic as a gift to his lover Nicole.



Thomas Lewis

Thanks a ton guys! Nicole said this is the best gift she’s ever gotten and she finally agreed to go on a date with me after listening

nick from canada

For anybody that hasn't watched the movies, I do recommend it if you like bad movies. It's unintentionally hilarious. Then the ending, the ending made me almost get a divorce


It really was the worst ending. It was like a fairy tale with murderous vampires instead of princesses