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Hello, everyone! 

As you've probably seen on Twitter, Pocket Mirror is getting a remaster in 2022! 🥳

This being said, we'll be making some changes to our Patreon page starting on March 1st of 2022 to accomodate changes to our schedule and overall online presence on our main channels - Patreon, Discord and Twitter!

We're planning on sharing more teasers, updates and sneak peeks with you through these channels in order to keep everyone in the loop and be able to share more of what we'll be up to from now on!

Without further ado, we'll be listing below what changes will be taking place here on Patreon.


The current tiers will remain the same with no changes to either their names and costs, but the rewards are going to get a bit of a rework:

Pumpkins will be getting the Pumpkin role on Discord.

Hilarious Pumpkins will be getting the Hilarious Pumpkin role on Discord, as well as access to 1 monthly Patreon-only post.

Comedian Pumpkins will be getting the Comedian Pumpkin role on Discord, as well as access to 2 monthly Patreon-only posts.

Angelic Pumpkins will be getting the Angelic Pumpkin role on Discord, as well as access to all 3 monthly Patreon-only posts.

Beloved Pumpkins will be getting the Beloved Pumpkin role on Discord, as well as access to all 3 monthly Patreon-only posts, their name featured on the 'Special Thanks' section of Little Goody Two Shoes' credit roll, and a one-time bundle of phone & desktop wallpapers, social media profile pictures and other exclusive digital goodies!


We'll be changing our goals into Community Goals, meaning they'll be based on the number of Patrons, Twitter followers and Discord members!

When we reach 80 Patrons, we'll be doing occasional calls on our Discord server. In these calls we'll be hanging out with everyone on the server with no restrictions and sharing progress on whatever project we're working on! Ideally they will be monthly calls, however, this might be an overly ambitious promise given our busy schedules.

When we reach 100 Patrons, we'll be bringing back the monthly Devlog! This being said, it'll be more of a monthly recap post available to everyone than a proper, technical devlog.

These are the goals we have established at the moment, we we're planning on expanding this list as our community grows and coming up with more ways to give back to the community!

We hope these changes will improve our online presence and make it both more manageable for us and hopefully more exciting for you guys!

We'd like to take this chance to thank all of you for your amazing support. It's really thanks to all of our fans we've been able to get this far and fund our projects while on the hunt for publishers. 

It's our ambition to keep on expanding AstralShift and keep on taking on more varied projects we'll be making sure to share with all of you through all 3 of our social media channels, but more especially here on Patreon!

Thank you so, so much for everything!

AstralShift 💖



green elise


Yay more pocket mirror