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Hello, everyone! ✨

As has been announced in this post, from August 2019 onwards we’ll be posting monthly dev-logs at the end of each month discussing the development progress made during that month. 

This past month of August, we’ve shared a series of posts regarding the visuals of Little Goody Two Shoes – Elise’s walking sprite ~ Lantern version; a sneak peek of the game’s first full screen illustration piece; Freya’s sprite reveal and a pixel art speed paint video by @Ichigo!

Additionally, we’ve updated our Patreon tiers to better fit all of you.

Unfortunately, our programmer Miguel had to step down from his active role in AstralShift due to academic reasons (he’s working hard on his master’s! 🎉), but will stick around as an assistant to help us out! Because of this, we’ve restructured certain engine components to adapt to TinyDinosaur’s and Hizagui’s approach.

Behind the scenes we’ve been super busy putting the game’s first early build together, which has been mainly about building upon the engine and laying out the basics such as the UI system, popping the maps in and adjusting them, as well as building the interaction system and inputting the script, amongst other things!

For this first bit of Little Goody Two Shoes – around 1h of gameplay, or so – Hika’s completed all of the needed maps and is now focusing on making the needed adjustments, Kira’s finished all needed illustrations and can now start making visual adjustments onto Unity – things such as the UI, on which TinyDinosaur is currently working, and character portraits’ placement on the screen!

Though EvilHairBrush’s script has been completed long ago, at this stage it’s 100% translated into Japanese and imported into the build! The next step is to add it accordingly to the various cut scenes and interactions Hizagui’s currently working on, and do the choreography (adjusting the various expressions, text effects, cut scene timings, etc.!) and it’ll be ready to go!

As you could all see this month, Ichigo is also working on bringing the characters to life one at a time!

Things are running smoothly and we’ve been making more progress these past few months than ever before! That said, there’s still a bunch of stuff we have to put together just to build this tiny bit of the game, so we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Thank you all so much for your patronage and support, it’s what keeps us going! 💖

See you all in September!




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