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A good old spreadsheet goes a long way when cataloging items, that's for sure! Descriptions will be coming in later on! 📝




You can't reuse hankerciefs?!


There will be plenty of novelty items throughout the game that have a specific practical purpose and can only be used once. In this case it's labeled as "handkerchief" for the sake of simplicity, but it's actually one of these items, same as the ointment!


Why did you give the items a number ID? Is it for organization in Unity?


Hi! Yes, it's for a couple of things: 1) Internal representation; Computers like numbers and who are we to say no, really 2) Organization in general; make sure that Lamp and lamp and LaMp are the same thing (if they're supposed to; what if Lamp = lamp but =/= LaMp?) 3) So that EHB has a standardized way to add inventory items from the dialgoue (see that article I wrote!) - Mike