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I've eventually decided to upgrade this project to UE 5.3 version for hopefully better performance. The new movement system looks great compared to the previous one; However, I have to rewrite almost the entire control system to fit it. Since it will take a while before the next version can be published, I also want to remake some of the crushing animations and maybe add some pick-up animations too. (please let me know your ideas so I can work them out together)

My to-do list for the new version:

1. Get the new movement system working with every model and also AI giantess.

2. Add camera shake/step sound.

3. Try to play with the vehicle deformation system and see if we can make it better.

4. Remake the animations and add some interactions (like pickup/ hand crush/ vore)

5. Remake the aiming system.

6. Add panic behavior for the crowd (not sure if it could work)

7. Add free pose photo mode like the Junkyard demo.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions! The new version is looking at maybe early March or later so please be patient while waiting!


Buk Lu

It’s says it’s you’re not available to take any Patreon at this time

Will Ji

Yes, I've paused my Patreon charging till February 8th. Subscription will be reopened by then :D

Max pOwer

I have some suggestions for gentle interactions, how about her kissing a tiny and being able to go to the pov of that tiny? Or being placed between her breasts and hugged between them?


If you're looking at doing fun things with the crowd, the city sample project has a Mass Crowd AI system built in. It can be a little complex because you have to start messing with data assets and AI logic, but there's a few tutorials on youtube covering it.


If you need inspiration for how to do the movement controls maybe check out GTA V or Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar's games tend to have really good animations (makes controls a bit more clunky but for your game that wouldn't be an issue). I like a lot of the crush animations you already have so seeing them polished up would be a start. I think some tease type crushes would be fun where the giantess taunts her victim with her foot a bit. A toe crush and a heel crush would also be cool. Some of my favorites are the ones where she checks her foot afterwards. One where she picks up a tiny to inspect them only to throw them on the ground and stomp them would be brutal!

Ano nyme

Just my personal opinion. But I feel it's important that her movement, at the giantess scale, become more and more slow the bigger she is. What I mean is, the animation speed must slow down. I don't know why, but when I see a giantess moving her body as she was 5 feet... it just doesn't click in my head. Slow animation speed adds extra feel of power to me. I don't know if it's only me...


Nah you're right. It's all a matter of perspective but our brains are hardwired to interpret large slow moving objects as either really far away or just really really big. I think the effect starts to look a bit stupid if it's overdone but just a slight decrease to exaggerate the weight of her movements is what's good. Sort of like how moving through water slows you down from the resistance.


hi, i don't found the link for download



Will Ji


tortoise man


l hy



I'm slightly on the opposite end of that coin, while I do enjoy a bit of slow down, most times I feel it's far too slow. I have casually taken a jab at making a GTS game for fun using Unreal5 last year and noticed issues with the physics engine in reference to how it scales with the player. Sometimes rather than tweak the speed itself, it's better to tweak the build up, make it so it takes longer to reach full running or walking speed.