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Hi all,

Thank you for your supporting this game! I am thrilled to hear that most of you are enjoying it so far. I have recently received some requests to improve the game’s performance on PCs. As a temporary solution to this issue, here are some steps you can follow:

Press the key to the left side of the “1” key, which is the ` (backtick) key, to open the command line tool.

You can find the necessary code to disable certain settings at the following link:https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/scalability-reference-for-unreal-engine/

I would recommend typing the following commands for the best performance:

sg.PostProcessQuality 0

sg.ShadowQuality 0

sg.TextureQuality 0

sg.EffectsQuality 0

r.DetailMode 0

FoliageQuality 0

Please follow these steps to optimize the game’s performance.

如果你的游戏运行非常不流畅的话,请试着使用https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/scalability-reference-for-unreal-engine/ 里面的代码,

在游戏中按 `(1左边的按键)调出命令行,并输入




Will Ji

After setting everything to off, I can run this game at 120 fps even with massive building destruction on my computer. However, the graphic may looks a little poor.

Alexander Gonzalez

Is there a way to get a halfway point so not to compromise too much on graphics?

Will Ji

Sure, those numbers can change between 0 to 4. You can try to play with the numbers and get the best balance between performance and quality.

Will Ji

Please refer to the link in my post, there are some introductions about those settings :D


Is it possible to play any of the other Giantess skins in "Giantess Mode"?


is it an game issue or Hardware issue? Got 2 rigs, 1 of them 13900K with 4090 and another by my familys house R7 2700 with 1080 Ti. On the 1080 Ti one, the game gets huge drops by destroying the city but I don´t see 100% on the Taskmanager somehow, even the cpu not on 100%... Didn´t tested it yet on my main PC with 4090 coz it´s in another place. I´m there 2morrow and will give an feedback after.

Will Ji

Oh... if you turn on the building destruction it will lag for sure... My 4090 will also drop to around 20 fps in the simulation... However, without the building destruction everything should be ok.

dox panna

你好,我发现我的E3 1231V3+N卡1660ti矿6G显存+16G DDR3内存,当这些数值调的太低时,部分巨娘直接消失,并且在调试前一直保持全低画质10fps,在逐行输入相关代码后虽然能看出画面渲染、阴影变化,但是仍然在全低10FPS(前后可能开启了DLSS)左右,未见效果。可能与DLSS功能无法正确关闭有关系,开启DLSS技术后画质更差,游戏表现更加卡顿

Will Ji

1660好像对dlss的支持本身不是很好…… 所以建议不要试图打开dlss

dox panna


Will Ji




Will Ji

您好,请问是哪个部分黑屏? 能进入主菜单然后点进去黑屏,还是无法进入主菜单?



Will Ji

嗯……我大概看了一下…… e3跑起来可能会有点吃力确实是



Will Ji




Will Ji


Issa bro

Hello, I'm not able to open the console somehow....

Will Ji

Hi, please make sure you’re using the American English keyboard layout. Otherwise the key might be different

Issa bro

Thank you will do ! and what is the newest edition if i can ask ? and by t he way great work on this game.

Issa bro

i am constantly pressing the ` kez but the console won|t open ...

Will Ji

oh, this only works for the latest matrix map (published on Oct 15th post). Since it’s a develop version game

Issa bro

i am on the matrix map i am playin on the 15th october version

Will Ji

Emm… are you pressing the key after entering the game? Like in the giantess mode?

Will Ji

The key you just posted looks right to me, which I assume your keyboard settings should be ok… it’s a quite strange case 🙃🙃

Will Ji

It should be a very little text input panel appears on the bottom left corner… nothing pops up there right?


Never mind it works perfect on the 4090 System. Just if you activate the Destruction Mode of the buildings, as u said b4, first it seems to hang up but after 1-2 secs it continues normally. I guess u can use that game also to Benchmark your PC xD I like it. Just the Destruction of the cars must be fixed a bit, coz always if I try to destroy a car it just flicks out of her sole, I would like to see those cars UNDER her soles getting flattened while she squeezez it like a cigarette. Sometimes it works but they always try to get out of her sole, u cant just stand on the car somehow. Sometimes it works with lots of luck. But it´s kind of finetuning of the game I guess, Anyways I would be happy if u can fix that :D

bnjh rfvbhj



大佬请问一下打开游戏界面左上角出现video memory has been exhausted该怎么解决啊,而且输入代码进去还是上不了20帧