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Hi all!

Thanks for supporting me so far! I'm super happy that soon we'll be back to the RPG story. I'm still working on the final version of the Matrix Map which I plan to add the building interior generation/free pose features. I also will try to fix some bugs for the DX 12 support.

I also bought 2 female models recently, they will join the party in the next version :D

The building generation feature seems harder than I expected, so it would take some extra time to work it out. Since I'll be out of town for 2 weeks. I guess I cannot get this month's update in time. Moreover, I need to spend some time reconstructing our new storyline. 

As a result, I pause the payment for one month. This will automatically extend your Patreon time for 1 more month. So no need to stop your subscription recently, it won't charge you anyway. The charge will return at next month's payment time and hopefully, a new version would be ready by then.

Don't worry I'm not stopping this project XD just need some extra time for the development :D

Have a good weekend!



建筑内部生成的bug比我想的要复杂很多,所以估计要多花点时间…… 然后因为我要出差2个礼拜,所以估计这个月没办法按时更新了。加上最近要重新构思一下游戏的剧情,所以我打算暂停1个月。




Max pOwer

Do you think you could add different skunds for the vore? Like maybe the giantess saying “aaaa” when she’s about to eat you and maybe a gulping sound?