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Hi all,

Thanks for supporting my game so far! After so many requests on the customized models, the VRM import feature is eventually in the game now! Now you can import any of your favorite characters into the game :D

Here are the change logs and some tips for this version:

1. Now you can press L to open the menu for VRM model importing. You could select the material type before import. (I would suggest using the default one though). After importing the VRM model, you will need to adjust the scale(height) / offset for the VRM models and try to get them about the same size as the regular models (e.g. Kitsune) with the same scale level otherwise the crushing animations may have the wrong locations.

(Sometimes when you click on the open VRM button the game freezes, it's not crash but the popup menu somehow overlays with the game. Try to close the game and restart will solve the issue. I couldn't solve this bug on my side now)

2. There's a victim view mode with this update. You can press 5 to switch to the target's view and then enjoy the view of being crushed under giant girls.

3. Q (kick animation) is added to the game, you can kick the vehicles/buildings now.

4. Space has been changed to skip crush now. However, it doesn't have a target system, so you basically will jump a short distance forward.

5. Foot placement using IK. (This provides a bug with the building collision. If you destroy the building at a super large scale (100 meter+), then you might stand onto an invisible building collision)

6. Remove the stupid collisions of traffic lights

7. R for vore animation. However instead of eating a random victim, now you'll be eaten by the giantess ;D

8. A brand new skybox weather (took me a day to tune the color)

9. First-person view in tiny mode

These are pretty much what I've been working on this month. Wish you'll enjoy the game! Have a nice weekend!

Also if you like the game, feel free to post some videos/pictures on Twitter/youtube :D

Link for download:


Alternate link:


Mega is uploading now.

If you still can't download that may be because everyone is trying to download the game spontaneously, please be patient and wait 1-2 days. The link won't change!

Have fun this weekend!


感谢各位支持这个游戏。最近看到有些群里在转发甚至有二次售卖的…… 游戏开发实属不易,也希望大家可以不要四处分享和二次售卖了,感谢理解。


1. L键可以打开VRM导入菜单,导入前可以选择一下渲染的方式,一般推荐默认就好。导入后请用两个滑条调节一下人物的位置和大小,让新加入的模型可以和之前的人物差不多大,否则的话动作定位会出问题。 打开菜单有时候会卡在游戏外,然后游戏会锁死不动,这个bug暂时没想到怎么解决,大家关掉重新开就好。

2. 加入了受害者视角,按5键可以切换镜头到被瞄准的物体上,然后就可以清楚的看到踩下去的样子了

3. Q 踢

4. 空格键是跳踩,不过没有瞄准,就会往前小跳一下

5. 脚部IK,就是可以让人站在物体上,比如高架桥,碎掉的房子和车子上。这也导致了一个bug,就是比如房子破碎了之后,人如果很大的话会站在隐形的房子上。。。

6. 去掉了路灯的碰撞。

7. R是吞食,因为吞路人很难实现,所以改成了吞玩家XDDD自己试试看就好

8. 新的场景天气和光线(这玩意看起来很简单。。。实则调了一整天……)

9. 小人视角改为第一人称








Really been waited for it! Excellent!

Alexander Gonzalez

How do you go about importing character to the game? I downloaded a vrm model but I’m not sure where it needs to go


"Honey, the new update just dropped!"


the girl doesnt go up in freeway. the body stays on floor (sea level)

Will Ji

Uh, sorry forgot to mention the foot IK only works for Kitsune/gamer girl/succubus and vrm models


The game is awesome, I this update after your improvements it runs a little bit better. Nice touch the new animations although I miss the buttcrush a bit more than jumping. The only problem I am facing is that when I hit "L" key to import my own vrm model I got the screen it open the window to select the file but it runs in the background. I tried alt+tab, it's there but not coming on main screen, also tried with "windows" still I cna see it that it's open on toolbar but can't bringbit in front. Any idea how to fix this? Also the L menu does not freeze the game I just close the model window and the game runs normal, after I select a new character from C menu. That's all again great work in this project please keep it up 👆.

Will Ji

I feel like the open folder toolbar has some strange overlay issues with the game…. My current solution is just to restart the game since it works 70% of the time 🤣🤣🤣 30% it will open in backend.


我覺得這個版本比上一個版本性能要降低一些,RTX 3070TI顯示卡游玩過程中(圖像質量中,small particle關閉,未使用Y鍵特殊建築功能,光線追蹤關閉)平均幀數只有31,上一個版本平均幀數在51。

Will Ji



Did you get a mega upload?


aaaa this link also doesn't work >_<


Several days later and still can't download...

Will Ji



I'm unable to down this and haven't been able to download for several months. Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.


All I get from the chinese site is this but no link ever appears. 正在获取下载链接,请稍候

Will Ji

Hi, could you PM me your email address that linked with your google drive? I can share you via email!

Ano nyme

There is no building destruction for me. I just clip through the buildings lol

Ziming Guo

Hi, 作者. 我想问一下在Tiny模式下的模型不可以使用自己的VRM吗?