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I've been stuck on this bug for four days so far... I thought it was a minor bug at the beginning, but it's getting more likely that this is related to the Unreal Engine's core... 

This bug happens only when importing a new character with VRM. It will pop up the alert first, if you keep playing the game, it will crash after 1 min (it won't harm your computer, I couldn't even figure out how the game is terminated and there's no error report on this issue). There won't be any bugs if you don't try to import your own character.

I'll spend this weekend trying to fix it, but it has some chance that this bug is unable to fix...

So I guess it's time to make a poll. 

My plan for this month's update is:

1. VRM import (currently not sure if it will work, or I can leave it like present, you'll have 1 min to play before it crash...)

2. New animations (skip jump, kick, pick up and vore/pick up and put in between breast) (70% ready)

3. Close-up camera with slow-motion when playing crushing animation (50% ready)

4. Foot placement (standing on the rubbles) (80% ready)

Well, two options: one, I'll work on the rest parts of my updates and publish the game with the import feature (not fully working), so you can import your own character but only for 1 min of testing...  two, wait till I fix the VRM importing bug, not sure how long this would take... but I'll try my best


这个bug只有当你导入自定义角色的时候会发生,会报错,如果你不管他的话1分钟后游戏会崩溃退出,我查了一下不会对硬件有任何影响,更像是个引擎自己的bug,就莫名其妙把进程终止了,这期间不会有死循环发生。而且关闭后甚至没有error log




1. VRM 导入 (这个可能真的要花很久来解决)

2. 新的动作:包括跳踩、踢、捡起吞/放在胸前

3. 处决相机(动作时相机会拍摄被踩物体并慢放)

4. 脚步的ik,就是可以让角色站在废墟上而不是在地上




For me i think improving the other aspects of the game is fine before fixing it. I'm not really familiar with VRM so it's not something I'll be using a lot i think.

Will Ji

Yea, the reason why I’m planning to add the vrm feature is mostly because people always willing to import their own characters, and seems VRM is so far the only solution 🥲🥲 however, no other people are doing something similar so I can’t find people to ask 🤣🤣🤣