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Several new features I'm testing with UE 5.2:

1. PCG system (means can generate the unlimited size city with one click XDDD), see the first few seconds of the video (but need a lot of coding to make it looks like an actual city, I'm working on this now)

2. Better optimization on rendering large scenes (as you can see this level which contains more than 2000 buildings can still run at 90 fps, compared to  my previous playground map which is only 40 fps in editor mode)

3. Optimization on the destruction system too. As you can see, the fps drops from 90 to around 70 in massive destructions, however, these size of destruction will make my computer (4090) freeze to 10-20 fps with my current map setup XDDD

So wow, I guess its time to make a new playground map with larger city size (possibly even unlimited, and the user can generate on their own like sizebox) and better optimizations XD I love technology!

I hope you enjoy the game so far!


1. 程序化生成系统,可以瞬间生成超大城市(不过需要仔细调整程序,这个我还在测试,你可以看视频前几秒,是个演示)

2. 更好的优化,这个超过2000个建筑的地图可以跑到90fps,而之前的版本在编辑器中大概只有40帧左右

3. 破坏场景的优化,目前这套新的chaos系统,在产生破坏时fps的影响要远远小于之前的版本,在同时3-4栋房子破坏的场景前提下,fps从90掉到70,而之前的版本可能会从40掉到10-20




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