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Hi all,

First of all, please allow me to apologize to all of you, I have paused the Patreon charge for one month (you can still see the new updates but may not be very frequently and your subscription will automatically extended once the charge is returned), and I have to delay the update for several weeks. 

It is Chinese New Year the day after tomorrow, I would have made a gift for all of you, but due to something happened recently, I probably have to delay all of my updates for a while. So please allow me to wish you all Happy New Year.

Some of you might have seen my Twitter that I got a puppy as my new year's gift. Unfortunately, I got cheated by the store that he is a sick dog... He got diarrhea on the third day he arrived home, and today, he is confirmed to be distemper, a fatal disease for a puppy. I loved him so much and couldn't afford to lose him. The hospital asked me to take him every day for injections. My current mood might not be suitable for developing the game, so I decided to pause for a while.

FaterGD will continue working on the animations for this game. Meanwhile, I will keep updating some cutscenes during this period. I'll try to catch up once the situation gets better. Please allow my apologies to all of you for not updating recently... 

Best regards to all of you! I wish you all health and happiness in the new year!


可能有些让大家失望……我元旦给自己了一个礼物,养了一只狗……结果狗被骗了。是病狗…… 之前确诊了冠状和寄生虫,今天刚刚确诊犬瘟…… 这个病治愈率可能只有20%但是我还是想赌一把……我真的很喜欢他……

最近的整个状态都比较糟糕,犬瘟是个会死的病……而我真的太喜欢他了…… 今天去了两家医院,都不收住院,所以要每天带他去打针,精力上和精神上可能都办法支持我最近更新游戏。





Oh no...poor puppy...It's not cool from this store...I hope the situation will improve


Take all the time you need. That puppy is a family member

Will Ji

Thanks… distemper is way worse than I expected…. I’ve already tried everything I can do so far… need to wait for his own immune system to recover from the virus…